Taking care of your computer!

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cyber Idi Amin
cyber Idi Amin
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Taking care of your computer!

Post by Lyecdevf »

1. Making your PC that little bit faster

Go to Start>Run>Type "msconfig" (without quotes) and press OK
Go to the Startup tab, look through the list and uncheck the things you don't want to start up.
NOTE: If you don't know what the programs are then leave them!

2. Looking after your hard drive(s)

Open up My Computer. Right click your hard drive>Properties>Tools tab>Click the Check Now button>Check the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors>Click start.
Do this for each hard drive that you have.

3. The Final Part

Defrag your hard drive(s). This will help the speed of your PC, in terms of how quick it is to access files.
Once that is done, use the TuneUp ResigtryDefrag
When doing both of these, make sure no program are running. This is important, otherwise doing the defrags won't make any difference at all.

And there you go. If you do this at least once a month, your PC will be nice and healthy and in tip-top shape.

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