Encoding/Decoding a string

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Encoding/Decoding a string

Post by koandy1983 »


Let's say I have these rows:

174,2,232,100,26,173,129,95,86,228,105,175,48,169,236,66,147,181,23,125,227,113 - here we have ASCII code for characters in encoded string
h t t p : / / w w w . a l l i e d i t . r o - this is the original string

40,7,16,86,172,12,51,208,200,103,206,111,250,5,120,98,77,178 - and , the same, ASCII code for characters in encoded string
o f f i c e @ a l l i e d i t . r o - again, this is the original string

As you can see, length of encoded string is equal with length of the original.

Witch is the algorithm ?

I have studied for 3 days, and I can't to it.

Please help!

PS. Ignore the spaces between the characters in the original string; i have put then because I don't want to be interpreted as spam.

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