Web Site Thoughts

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Web Site Thoughts

Post by maboroshi »

Well Just thought I would post a message talking about my web site http://www.techshinobi.de. Let me know what ya think of my layout, and if you want you can sign up.

Its got a bunch of stuff I wrote, including a PHP Paypal Photo Gallery Script ( Im so proud ;) ) As a member you can download it and a lot of other stuff. Its obviously still in the development stages

Anyways check it out


And if ya have any advice for it lets here

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Post by Gogeta70 »

I like the layout, it's very professional, however it's not very visually oriented. Like the link buttons, on mouse over, make them change color or something, and your links don't change color on hover either. And i think the boldness of the font is too much, reduce the size or something... But other than that, it looks great.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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lol ya

Post by maboroshi »

Ya lol Im pretty terrible at design aspects.

The thing is every thing is db driven on that site pretty much it is basically an experiment in a completely db driven web site (and it worked). I to be honest am not to concerned with the layout aspects but I agree they could be improved on

So ty with my next update will do the things you suggested

Cheers Gogeta


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Suckopithicus chickasaurus
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Re: Web Site Thoughts

Post by LaBlueGirl »

I like it! The colors are friendly, the layout is easy to navigate, and not a crazy amount of graphics that take for-freakin'-ever to load lol.

What Gogeta said is true, though. A little more detail in the visuals department and it would kick ass.

Maybe archive your news, bold-en (? lol) the news titles, maybe a small description of what you have to offer on the appropriate pages (Scripts, for example)or a preview, even. Even though it is on your main page, maybe put two or three examples on those pages. When you sign up, what are the benefits? What do you get? (People always like to "get" things, esp if they are free!!!) Maybe put a sentence or two on the sign up page.
Maybe once you get your site really going, a weekly/monthly newsletter, what's new, news and new scripts etc added on, with short descriptions and links to the subject. That's for later, I guess:)

Take "Docs", for example. What kind of Docs will I be seeing/getting?

Ok, going to take a look at something Gogeta said, and I'll reply to that in a sec.
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Suckopithicus chickasaurus
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Re: lol ya

Post by LaBlueGirl »

I thnk, imho, the font is fine. it is just hard to find a color and size that would look well and be easily read when you have such a dark background.
You could change the color, but then you run the risk of looking silly:)
Something off-white, or tan would work well, but tan wouldn't work well with the other colors you have.

The font is pretty generic, for the text. Maybe see how it looks with another font, but keep it simple b/c then you won't look "serious" enough.

And I am NOT trying to be "nit-picky", but have someone proofread your text :) It's minor stuff, but still: It should be as correct as possible so people will see that you are a serious person.

Ok, I know I've said a lot, and you may or may not take it into consideration :), but overall I give your site a thumbs up.
"Hey, Crash!
Ever tried walking with no legs?

It's real slow!"
~Crunch, Crash Bandicoot TTR

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Post by maboroshi »

Thanks LaBlueGirl

Im thinking maybe I will remove the membership thing, good idea on getting some one to proofread my text. A news archive is also a good idea. The reason why I don't have the rollover on the nav is I couldn't figure it out with the script using the db... Maybe I will spend more time solving that problem

Anyways thanks everyone

I appreciate the commentary



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