Rant :|

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cyber Idi Amin
cyber Idi Amin
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Rant :|

Post by Lyecdevf »

Now this is my new rant. I do not really know what exactly I am going to talk about. We are going to see how this develops. Because the night is young and I have a lot on my mind. So I just hope that this is going to be a productive sitting. Yeah,…and I am not drunk tonight. I am in the mood right now with MM playing and cat sleaping on the bed.

Some time ago I watched the movie 13th Warior. Antonio Banderas stars in it. It is set back in the middle ages if not even further back, where a group of warriors are chosen to take revenge of the slaying of a king. Antonio Banderas who just happens to be at the wrong place and at the wrong time is chosen to be one of the warriors. Now I bring this up because I want to talk about a social issue. You see the way it happened in the movie is that Antonio Banderas who arrives there for the first time in his life was chosen by a witch to go and fight. He did not arrive there as a warrior, he did not know there culture and yet when the witch chose him to be the 13th warrior he did not complain. Nor did any one else say any thing against the decision of the witch. Now imagaine if some thing like that happened today. Some accountant from some company would be chosen to do some thing that would not be directly tied in with his job. I was just thinking about how that would turn out today. Lets say that for some reason at some company some one needs to get some one to go on a business trip. So some one says lets send the accountant. Now I imagaine every one sitting there in the conference room and they think that is a good idea but, “who is going to tell him that?”

In the movie the witch breaks the news. In fact she decides so but today there is no job description that would be fit for a witch. So who would get some one to send them some where for which he was not tailor made? I just imagain that accountant complaining, “but I have never been abroad, I do not know how to represent this company, …this is not part of my job description,…I can not do this,…what is my wife going to do during the time I am going to be gone,…”and so on and so on. The thing is that today I do not think that you could get any one to do any thing similar to or closely related to what occurred in the movie. So why is that so?

I believe that in life we have so many opportunities to challenge our selves to be better than what we are and do things that we thought previously would be imposible to do. Instead I see people who are afraid to move forewarned with there lives. I know that this idea is not new. I remember reading a book about a Russian guy who is employed to manually copy texts. Now that was way back before the photocopy machine. One day he gets the opportunity to get a higher pay if he just changed some words in the text and he can not do that. He is so poor but he has been taught how to do one task and that is all he knows how to do. Are we becoming like that?

It is easy to go through life doing just what society expects of you and not a single ounce more. It is easy to complain about how expensive things are how difficult it is to get through life. Now I detest people like that. I mean is there some thing wrong by saying that. I refuse to be part of that. I refuse to complain about every little thing that goes wrong. Sure there is a lot to complain about. I thought chose a different path. My path leads far away from that and even though there are risks involved in this I rather go along this path. I chose to do more than what society expects from me. I chose to be a hacker. I chose to be some one who does not complain at every little thing but instead choses to spend huge amount of time hacking. Now I am not talking about breaking into peoples accounts, defacing webpages and so on. I chose to discover, experiment and test out things on my computer when every one else is busy complaining about the cost of living, the food, the weather,…Because to achieve some thing one needs to endure and overcome situations that one could never have expected. That is greatness. Just like in the movie Antonio Banderas took on a mission that he could never of have expected and he overcame.

No one is ever going to come to and say, “hey lyecdevf I want to give you an award because you have spent countless amount of hours sitting behind a computer doing all these great things as opposed to sitting around with beer in your hands complaining about how things s***.” So why am I doing this any way. I do this because I do not want to be like every one else. Even if I am not never repaid for any of the efforts that I took by any individual I think that some how in the end I am going to be rewarded. You may call it faith, God or what ever but I think that I chose the right path and I am going to stand by it to the bitter end.
We will either find a way, or make one.
- Hannibal

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