Will Someone please tell me what I am doing wrong

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Will Someone please tell me what I am doing wrong

Post by takeudown »

Ok for about 3 days literally no exaggeration I have got about 5 hours of sleep , I always see and hear everyone say the most important thing is to read study and read and study up on what it is your trying to do, Then they say because no one is going to hold your hand, So instead coming in here and saying hey can someone do this or that for me, I went and read and studied, Now I am stuck...and can not seem to get unstuck.

And before I start let me say yes it's mine , no I dont need permission, so there for no its not illegal , and I am doing it to learn,
Sorry had to get that out the way,
So I am trying to connect remotely to this computer,(mine) I have scanned it, I come up with the following open ports.

25, 21, 222, 110, 80

So then I right click on any of them or the ip address that they are listed in and it says, connect.

Web browser,

So I click telnet, it then brings up the black box and says you are number 7 out of 50 allowed somethin and when I press anything it says you are not logged in, HELPPPP , what am I doing wrong? thanks in advance for any advice

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Post by z3mwaz »

if you dont already know the port:

21 = FTP
25 = SMTP
80 = HTTP
110 = POP3
222 = rsh-spx (UDP)

I dont know anything about port 222, i looked it up on google.


i'm not sure how your going about trying to access the different services, but you should have a basic knowledge of telnet and ftp. but i assume that you do since you mentioned them in your post

using telnet open a connection to the computer aka "SERVER"
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Client

Escape Character is 'CTRL+]'

Microsoft Telnet> open localhost 25
Connecting To

if the connection is allowed then you will see a banner stating the service + version running, if any.

So I click telnet, it then brings up the black box and says you are number 7 out of 50 allowed somethin and when I press anything it says you are not logged in,
this looks like your tring to telnet in to the FTP server???

if so then try the user/pass command to log in, or get a FTP client with a GUI.

the ftp command to log in is (in windows i think its this):
ftp> open localhost
Connected to localhost.
220 (*FTP* 1.*.*)
User (localhost:(none)):'yourusernamehere'
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful. Have fun.

then from there you can use the command line based ftp client, as long as you know the commands.
remember 'help' as a command to get help info

i know that you can telnet into
21 = FTP
25 = SMTP
80 = HTTP

but the other two, i'm not sure... sorry

anything else let us know
“Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity.”

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Thanks Im glad u replied , I was starting to wonder,

Post by takeudown »

Im using super scan v3.0,, now if I knew how to load images in this chat window , I used this other tool the super scan v4 and it gave me all kind of stuff that I have never seen before i took screen shots,
but I do not know how to put them up in here, Really I'm trying to hack myself,, :) I want to transfer files, Not really but pretened , I want to see what all i can do basically, My understanding because there are open ports it could be done . i would like to create a back door, not entering the username .. If you have any advice or suggestions I am all ears, Now i go through a server, host244ipowerweb, Could that have any affect on being able to connect, i have my ip and everything, Here I was all excited thinking I had got somewhere, Anyway thanks again and if you have a suggestion please let me know,,

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