Watching a hard drive work...

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Watching a hard drive work...

Post by Gogeta70 »

It has a transparent cover, so you can see it working...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

The Hacker Wolf
The Hacker Wolf
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Post by Necrix »

Kool find!

That's pretty interesting...awesome.
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dvd players

Post by DNR »

Take the cover and a certain bracket off of a DVD player (the home one, not PC one). It works in the same principle, it has a head that moves quickly up and down to pick up those fragmented files, and the disk spins at a dangerously high speed. In a DVD player that bracket you'll remove holds down the disk on the spinner, when the DVD becomes unbalanced it starts to wobble and then flings off the spinner at a high speed. Fun to watch, but don't stare at the laser beam. The HD disk is highly balanced, tuned to spin smoothly. Dropping it, and old age will cause the HD to warp or go out of balance. If you hear noise coming from your HD, its slowly destroying itself. The HD is most likley to be damaged by a drop than any other components. You can take the cover off any HD and watch the internals, check it out and screw with a old HD. Wear goggles to protect the eyes when the disk spins out of control and shatters.

The clear cover HD would be popular, I mean, don't we stare at the HD/CD access lights? Gives ya something to see while waiting for the DL's.

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