Newbies Guide To Payphone Phreaking

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Newbies Guide To Payphone Phreaking

Post by IcEmAn052 »

Okay listen up kiddies today we will be learning how to get free phone calls over a payphone ( not always will work ). Okay today if you don't know what Phreaking is please go G00gle it or something. Okay I will describe to you what Phreaking is and how to do good stuff with it. What Phreaking is, is the understanding of Phones and how they work in "More Depth" than any other person would know. Now when Phreaking there are "Boxes" what boxes are, are the things that let you do advanced stuff on a phone. I will list a big thing of Boxes later on. But today we will get a Red Box working. Red Box:

There are two ways that you can make a Red Box:

One is to go to Radio Shack and buy a tone dialer and a 6.5536Mhz crystal.(If Radio Shack doesn't have the crystal, you can order them from the electronics companies that I have listed at the end of this section.) Open up the tone dialer and replace the existing crystal (big, shiny, metal thing labeled "3.579545Mhz") with the 6.5536Mhz crystal. Now, close it up. You have a red box.
To use it for long distance calls play the tones that add up to the amount of money that the operator requests. For a 25 cents tone press 5 *'s. For a 10 cents tone press 3 *'s. For a 5 cents tone press 1 *.
And, the second way, which is a much easier method, is to get the Red Box tones from a phreaking program, such as: Omnibox, or Fear's Phreaker Tools. Play the tones as you hold a microcassette recorder about 1-inch away from your computer speakers, and record the tones.
The Red Box only works on public telephones, it does not work on COCOT's.(Defined in next section.) It makes the telephone think that you have put money in. Red Boxes do not work on local calls because the phone is not using ACTS (Automated Coin Toll System), unless you call the operator and have her place the call for you. You tell her the number that you want to dial and then when she asks you to put in your money, play the tones. If she asks you why you need her to place the call tell her that one of the buttons is smashed in or something like that. You now have and know how to use a Red Box!

Electronics Companies:

2300 Zanker Road
San Jose, CA 95131
(408)943-9774 -Voice-
(408)943-9776 -Fax-

Blue Saguaro
P.O. Box 37061
Tucson, AZ 85740


Unicorn Electronics
10000 Canoga Ave. Unit C-2
Chatsworth, CA 91311

I got this from a good old Phreaking Guide.

To get the tones the easy way in a conveniant .wav file I will upload a new download.

Enjoy your red boxing.

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Post by Gogeta70 »

Nice tutorial.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by b00g3ym8n »

yeah its easy and good way i tried it before :lol:

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Post by Gogeta70 »

Well, i know you're new so here's a tip.

Check the date of the last post of a topic before posting. The post above yours is dated "Thursday,August 24th, 06 3:18pm". Please don't bring back old topics.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by Tep »

Good tut. but its a lot easier/"freeer" and less time consuming to use social engineering and a random name from the phone book to make free calls

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