Destination address-Anyway to avoid it?

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Destination address-Anyway to avoid it?

Post by Yoda »

Ok when a user logs into our network at school the network stores the location and time at which the user logged on. I need a way to bypass this system for various reasons. I believe the location is based on static IP and MAC adresses. Anyone got any ideas?

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Post by CommonStray »

im not sure that you can totally avoid it, but you can connect to various anonymous proxies then make your connection and change the logs

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Post by Yoda »

Its the actually the log-on onto the network were your destination is recorded not the internet logon.-You can't acces anything without logging on first-

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Post by bad_brain »

hm, you would have to change the MAC adress, just using another IP don´t make sense because the IP is resolved anyway because of the protocol layers of TCP/IP. there are programs with which you can spoof your MAC adress (I can´t remember a name at the moment, it´s already midnight, just google for "MAC spoofing" :wink: )
but it can happen that you can´t connect any more with a different MAC adress, depends on the admin´s settings).

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Post by DNR »

>>>Yoda said:
Ok when a user logs into our network at school the network stores the location and time at which the user logged on. I need a way to bypass this system for various reasons. I believe the location is based on static IP and MAC adresses. Anyone got any ideas?
I used to sniff around my college network too. I am not sure exactly what you want to do, either avoid logging in with a student ID, or hiding the IP of the school's network while on the internet, so..

To bypass security of school logins with identifiable Student ID, get a console someone left logged in or shoulder surf. If you login to the school network with your student ID, yes it does record what console/computer you logged into.

You can avoid logins if you can crack the security login, my school used a combination software and hardware from a third party. All I had to do was search the internet for that companies website to research how it worked.. It also helped that the closet with the servers and software was left unlocked, I had access to the installation CD! Do your research...

To Hide the School's network IP while you commit hacking crimes on the internet, you try to use anonymizers or proxies to bury the IP trail. This is important if you do not want police asking the school for it's logs.


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