Hex editing

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Hex editing

Post by zigo »

1. HMT for Mac
2. HexEditor
3. TextEdit
4. HMT PC Plugins (just downloading HMT for PC will do)

1. Open a copy of bloodgulch.map with HMT
2. Open TextEdit and go into the HMT for PC folder and look for the plugins folder. Find one called proj.xml and open that with TextEdit.
3. Open HexEditor and open the same bloodgulch.map
4. In Hexeditor, check these boxes:
----a. allow editing
----b. swapped
5. Go back into HMT. Go into the proj section, open it, and highlight “weapons\rocket launcher\rocket”
6. There is a white box at the top right labeled “Meta.” It should say 00B454E0. Highlight only the B454E0 and copy. Always disregard the 00 in the beginning in this situation.
7. Still in HMT, click Apple-H and the hex calculator will appear.
8. In the first box at the top of the calculator, paste the number from before, B454E0
9. Go back to TextEdit. Look for where it says <name>Initial Speed</name>. Above that it should say <offset>0x1E4</offset>. Highlight only the “1E4” and copy.
10. Paste the “1E4” from before into the second box of the hex calculator in HMT.
11. Click the plus sign (+)
12. A number will appear in the third box: B456C4. Add two zeros in front of the number so it looks like this: 00B456C4. Copy that number.
13. Go into HexEditor. Look at the box labeled as “First.” Delete whats in it and paste in the number from before: 00B456C4. Then press enter.
14. We are only looking at the top line of code. Disregard all the other lines. If you click on different bytes in the row, the number in “First” will change. A byte is two numbers next to each other, such as 00. Now click on the byte so that the number in “First” is 0xb456c4. It should be “ce.”
15. Now highlight “ce” and the next three bytes following it, so that the four bytes highlighted should be “ce cc cc 3e.” They should all be red.
16. Look for the box labeled “flt.” In this box it should say something like 0.4000000. Delete whats in that box, and enter either 4 to make the rocket go fast, or 0.005 to make it go slow. After you put the number in push enter.
17. Go back TextEdit and notice <name>Final Speed</name>. Above it is the offset like before, but this time the number is 1E8. That means it is only four bytes after 1E4.
18. Go back to HexEditor and click the byte so that the number in “First” is 0xb456c4 again.
19. Move 4 bytes ahead to “ab.” Again, highlight “ab” and the next 3 bytes, so that what should be highlighted is “ab aa aa 3e”
20. Go to the flt box again. It should say something like .333333. Change it to the same thing you changed to before: either 4 to make it go fast, or 0.005 to make it go slow. When you put in the number, push enter.
21. Quit all programs. Put the bloodgulch.map in your Halo maps folder. Shoot the rocket in bloodgulch and see if it worked.

-You can put in any number you want in the “flt” section, the higher then number, the faster the rocket, the lower the number, the slower.
-In TextEdit with the proj.xml, if it says <type>float</type> at the top of the thingy, then it means you have to highlight the 4 numbers and edit whats in the “flt” section. If it says <type>short</type> then you only edit the one byte.
-Mess around with everything. Open all the different xml files and see what you can do. The process is the same as here.
-And don’t forget: Back up your files!

in my opinion hex editing can be really usefull i found this tut on net i wanted to share with u ... im trying to learn it so let's go guys the one who dont know hex editing let's start this and help ourselves doing it
:lol: :lol:

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Post by MoralExploit »

why dont you tell us where to get some of these programs

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Post by n3rd »

there are different programs to do so, not to mention the fact that each person has a different lvl of program usage.

some prefer the other program above another one.

and u could try to google it.

if that doesnt work, use ...soft...pedia...com not making another link this time XD ne ways just remove the dots ;)

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Post by ajunix »

what is hex hack? hehe.

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posting links, one-liner questions, and skillz required

Post by DNR »

:roll: ajunix - they are programs to access the codes of other programs, i.e. a hex editor. Please try to post more than a few words, your questions need more detail to grep a response..

I agree with n3rd, there are so many programs, appz, libraries, codecs, disasm, editors, and to link to them would always be an incomplete list.
An expected skill for people in this forum, is an ability to search for their own appz and files online.

Posting links has its own rules here also.

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Re: posting links, one-liner questions, and skillz required

Post by ajunix »

all right, i'll keep that in my mind.

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