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For those starting on PHP...

Post by Gogeta70 »

PHP Reference File - Gogeta70

I got really really bored so i just wrote this for fun, hope it is useful.

Rand() - generates a random number between minimum and maximum numbers specified.


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rand(1, 10)
would generate a number between one and ten.


strpos() - used to find something in a string - case-sensitive


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$string = "Mary had a little lamb";
$find = "little";

$result = strpos($string, $find)

//if "little" was found, then $result would = 1, however, if it did not find it, $result would = 0.
//so if you wanted to check if it = zero, you would type:

if($result === 0) /* notice the 3 = signs? */
echo $find . " was not found.";
} else {
echo $find . " was found.";

strstr() - find the first occurance of a letter/number/special character in a string.


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$string = "Mary had a little lamb";
$find = " a";

$result = strstr($string, $find)

echo $result; 
//this would return everything after the character found, if the character was found, so it would have output:
//"a little lamb"
//this is also a case sensitive type library function.


stripos() - is the same as strpos() (see above) but case-insensitive.


stristr() - same as strstr() (see above) - case-insensitive


strlen() - get the length of a string.


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$string = "Mary had a little lamb";
$length = strlen($string)

echo "The string is " . $length . " character(s) long.";
this would echo "The string is 33 character(s) long." - this always includes spaces.


strrev() - reverse a string.


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$string = "Mary had a little lamb";

$reversed = strrev($string);

echo $reversed;
this would print out: "bmal elttil a dah yraM"


strtr() - translates certain specified characters


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$string = "Màry hàd à little làmb";
$trans = strtr($string, "à", "a");

echo $trans;
This wuold output : "Mary had a little lamb"


substr() - returns all characters between specified ending and beginning characters


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$string = "Mary had a little lamb";

echo substr($string, 0,4) // outputs: Mary
echo substr($string, 5, 3) outputs: had

md5() - encrypt a string into a md5 hash.


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$string = "Mary had a little lamb";
$encrypted = md5($string);

echo $encrypted;
this would output: e946adb45d4299def2071880d30136d4


md5_file() - md5 a specified file


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/* assume mary.txt includes "Mary had a little lamb" */

$file = "mary.txt";
echo md5_file($file);

Explanation: Arrays.

Arrays are useful for many things, like holding lots of information in one variable, therefore, less variables
for you to remember. Often arrays are used in php flat file databases when someone does not wish to use an sql or other type of database. For instance, a user/password database.

heres an example:

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$user = array();

$user("a", "b", "c")

/* to get all information out of one of the values in the array, you would type: 
echo $user[0] because the first element in array is counted as 0, and not 1. */

echo "List of users:<Br><Br>";

echo $user[0] . "<Br>";
echo $user[1] . "<br>";
echo $user[2] . "<Br>";

/* that would be a long and tedious task for someone that had alot of users in that array, so that's where we came
up with: count(ARRAY) which counts all values in the array here's an example of it's usage. */

echo "Current number of users in database: " . count($user);
now i will tell you about the while loop, which will give me the ability to show you how to make showing the users
in the array, easier.


while() {} - used to loop code until broken.


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echo "List of users in database:<BR><BR>";
$a = 0;
while($a < count($user))
echo $user[$a] . "<Br>";
Much easier, huh?


if() {} - used to compare


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$a = 1;
$b = 1;
$c = $a + $b;
if($c == 2)
echo "The variable "$c" does equal 2!";
} else {
echo "The variable "$c" does not equal 2.";

for() {} - most complex loops in PHP. They behave like their C counterparts. - quoted off of

Note: This is using variables from the array explanation above.

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for($a = 0; $a < count($user); $a++)
echo $user[$a] . "<br>";
for more help with this kind of loop:


This guide was not copied off of any site, and was written in my own free time by me alone, any information used off of a site was given credit to that site.

- Gogeta70
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by ayu »

Nice ^^
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Post by Gogeta70 »

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by Chaos1986 »

Thank You Gogeta :) This Is Very Helpful Now I Have Something Easy To Read And Study On PHP. :twisted: :evil:
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