Just offering help in Electronice

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Just offering help in Electronice

Post by floodhound2 »

I am an electronics engineer and offer my help for some of you that may need it. I can guide you and teach you on any digital and analog device you might wish to conjure up. As long as I have time I will be delighted to assist.

PM me for question and or ideas ! :P

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staying connected as you wardrive

Post by DNR »

One issue I am investigating is a wardriver's network kit.

Problem: a wardriver cannot maintain connection with the internet, as the wardriver moves, he loses connection with the AP (access point). You'll need to locate and connect with an AP that is in range at the moment. It takes generally about 5-20 seconds to connect to a AP's network. I need a system that will seamlessly transfer me from one AP to the next so I can maintain connectivity.
Problem #2 to this issue; a server or software maybe needed to redirect the packets being sent to your computer, as your traceroute has changed from one AP to the next.

As you drive around, your computer can log in to a network, but since you are moving, you'll lose the connection, but you'll be in range of another AP.

So the questions are;

Do you set up a laptop with two wifi antennas - one antenna will log you into AP#1, but antenna #2 will search and start connecting to AP#2. This will some how provide connectivity to the internet, as you have a AP to send/recieve at anytime.

I might need a server that will collect my responses and wait for my reconnection to finish sending packets that would have otherwise been sent to the wrong AP, the one I just drove out of range.

Of course this was a high times moment of reflection, anyone want to comment?

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as the world turns

Post by floodhound2 »

I think I understand what you are trying to do.

It seems to me that this can be possible however a microprocessor may be needed as well as a pc. An interfacing box if you will. A gum stick, basic stamp, Rabbit module or similar type of mini Micro can be coded and configured on many of its i/o lines. If you were to take say 5 to 10 i/o pins and configure them to have there own nic card then you may be able to stay on one access point and use the others to scan for others. In the code of the micro have a function that makes it possible to switch access points when signal is degraded to a given limit. Of course the pc will list all the valid access points by using a left over pin on the micro interfacing a GPS sensor. Of course along the way of designing this thing I problems will be released. The Rabbit modules (http://www.zworld.com/) are used for and can be purchased fairly inexpensive, as web based, or wireless devices, as well as Ethernet components.

Cool idea but might be a bit tricky to complete…

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Post by DNR »

Good response, flood

Thanks for the lead into the Rabbit module.

Difficult to employ? Of course, thats true out of the box thinking for ya!

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