Caller ID spoofing; and how caller ID works

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Caller ID spoofing; and how caller ID works

Post by toast »

I just finished writing a stock checking program where I can dial my home phone number, enter a pin number, and have my computer read my current stock prices... I'm now interested in caller ID Spoofing. I have my computer set up to launch applications and perform tasks by a simple phone call. I want to integrate caller ID Spoofing into the mix of these tasks BUT i have not found a decent read on the subject.

Has anyone tried or know of applications or hardware that can spoof a caller id?

~posted by toast
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Post by Gogeta70 »

No, but find a way to plug in a phone line to your computer and have it intercept the information from the next phone call, then once you've got the format of how to send information to a caller ID, find a way to send information to a certain phone.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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how caller ID works

Post by DNR »

Since the Caller ID signal is only generated at the called party's exchange, and the caller's line is only connected after the called party has answered the line, it should be impossible to fake the Caller ID data without access to the called party's line or exchange. ;edited;


To send caller ID information to your home, the phone company uses an FSK technique identical to a 1,200 baud modem and it sends ASCII character data to the caller ID box. The modem message is sent between the first and second ring. So the phone rings once, and if you could listen to the phone line just after that ring, you would hear a "bleeeep" sound about half a second long. If you decoded the bleep, you would find that it contains (in the simpler of the caller ID systems):

A series of alternating 1s and 0s to help the caller ID box get the timing down
A series of 180 1s
A byte representing the type of message
A byte representing the length of the message
Month, day, hour and minute, each represented with a pair of bytes
The 10 digit phone number in 10 bytes
A checksum byte
There is also a more advanced system that contains the caller's name, etc., but its technique is identical (the telcom system performs a 'phone book' lookup service). Each character is sent as a standard 8-bit ASCII character preceded by a "0" start bit and followed by a "1" stop bit.

The caller ID box contains a modem to decode the bits, a little circuit to detect a ring signal, and a simple processor to drive the display.


Note: this is why you need the caller ID service from your telco, otherwise it will not send the caller ID signal to your home.
once you have the service, you can use a computer to play with it as well, but not for spoofing. end note.

In any case, if you do anything too naughty, the authorities will still be able to track you down using the billing data. All you can do is make the data unavailable. Examples of this are using 141/*67 or placing a call via the operator, a non-SS7 calling card, a payphone, or an analogue mobile phone.

In a nutshell, since caller ID is done at the telcom level prior to the connection to the called party - you'll need to spoof at that level. Telcom have set up their system to prevent spoofing for their billing purposes. They know who you are. It is easier to get caller ID nfo than it is to hide it;

How do you spoof? Besides Pay as you Go cellphones, and obscure calling card services like this one; ... 570743D87D

You can hack exchange boxes (those green telco boxes in your neighborhood), you can connect a box to a neighbors box on the side of his house, you can crack a nearby phonebooth. The answer is mostly a hardware and telcom exchange level hacking.

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Post by toast »

But...But... DNR!!
I had to combine a few programs that all interact to check my stocks

1. I installed Phone Dialer Pro
2. I downloaded WGET
3. I installed a text to voice reader (will post link later today)
4. I wrote a batch script to combine each of these programs.

Batch Script
1. WGET the webpage of my stock & echo it out to a file
2. Finds the line of text with my stock quote and echos out to a second file
3. Uses a text to voice converter and creates a human voice .wav with the current stock quote
4. Launches wmplayer and plays the current stock quote .wav

How does it all tie in?
Phone Dialer Pro is set to listen through my dial up modem and will respond only if the # is my cell phone. I enter a pin number and it launches the batch. I have the mic set as speakerphone once the call has been answered. After the batch file gets the stock quote it plays the wav through the speakers. The microphone then autoconverts the wav to a 8mhz 16kb frequency that can pass through the phone line.

Modem Commands
I havnt had the chance to echo any AT commands to my modem yet but i will try to familiarize myself with the syntax and batch it up. If I figure this out I can get rid of Phone Dialer Pro and have complete control over incoming & outgoing calls based on errorlevels in the batch script.

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Post by DNR »

Very good toast, I am impressed. It looks like you have a good tweak there. :wink:

But I guess the question comes back, why is spoofing important then? Are you testing for security vulnerabilities?
You could check the security of Phone Dialer Pro by trying to call thru another phone and see if it makes sure its the cell phone.
Let me know.

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Post by toast »

The AT Modem Command Reference...


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Post by toast »

nerdzoncrack wrote: maybe you can find something usefull there...
Haha, That made my day.


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Np :wink:
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