Installing OSx86 (Hackintosh) is not stupidly difficult these days thanks to niresh12495 and his distro I was able to set up my Hackintosh system without much issue.
Here are the steps I took to get OSX Mavericks installed and fully patched.
My System
AMD Phenom II processor
Gigabyte Motherboard of somesort
yadda yadda ram
ATI 5850 Graphics Card
First download the Niresh12495 distro. Making sure to download the torrent which contains the .dmg file of OSX Mavericks 10.9 (link withheld)
Proceed to download and install Win32Disk Imager
Once the OS has downloaded plug a USB device in and run Win32Disk Imager as administrator and write the OS to your USB device.
I would recommend preparing your usb device before hand by formatting it as a fat32 drive. The drive should be at least 7 GB in size.
Reboot your computer (it is also recommended to disable any drives you will not put the distro on by unplugging them from the PC. Remember to back up your data)
When booting into the USB I had to press the down arrow key on my keyboard before being able to select the usb and enter in any kernel flags. Just a small note to people
There is a decent amount of Install Flags and errors you will encounter when installing OS X the best advice I can give on this is to have a tablet (or another system) available to debug any errors which may occur.
As another side note usually the error you receive will not be at the last line.
When installing/debugging always append -v (which displays verbose output) these are the flags which I ended up using for my install.
Code: Select all
amd GraphicsEnabler=Yes PCIRootUID=0 -v
After a few moments the OSX Installer will boot up.
The standard process is Accept the agreements, format the drive (that you will install the OS on), customize the install
You format the drive by choosing Disk Utility from Applications->Utilities from the navigation at the top. Format the disk as a Mac OS X Extended Journaled disk.

Close Disk Utility
Choose the customize option and check to see if any other options for your hackintosh suit your system (be sure to read the notes for each feature in the customize option).

Select the Disk you formatted and click the install button.
After install has finished you will reboot, and should hopefully see your Bootloader (Chameleon, or whatever you selected). At the disk selection screen press a single key to enable input.
Then type
Code: Select all
-v -x
Debug any kernel panics or other issues as needed. Yes there is likely to be a fuck ton of installs and re-installs setting this up.
Hopefully you will see the OSX set up screen and you can run through the user account set up. I recommend against setting up your Apple account at this point you can at a later point just not during this setup process.
Everything will hopefully go smooth and you will be in your new OSX system.
Now we will wait a good ten minutes as the niresh distro configures itself as needed. DO NOT Shutdown your system during this or it will just restart again when you boot up.
Once everything is clear (and yes there is a few pauses in the notification of things. I suggest giving it 10 – 15 min. Go have a shower or something, you earned it. (Thanks coach!)
OS X Niresh Distro is set up we will now reboot. This time we will omit the -x flag just enter -v and debug as needed. If no issues occur than you can omit the -v flag next time as well.
Before doing anything super drastic to the system I recommend updating the kernel. This is another long process.
You should know what kind of CPU you have. In order to update the kernel I recommend visiting and downloading from the kernels section a patched kernel for the current updates of OSX (as of this writing 10.9.3)
Download the file and unzip it to your Desktop.
Now we can run the OSX system updates. Your system will reboot and will install the OS X patches now you will be left with a broken system/kernel
Here is how to fix that.
Boot into the OSX installer (the usb drive) using the bootflags for your system you figured at the start of this document. Click agree (You won't be reinstalling). Under the same navigation as the disk utility software Applications->Utilities you will see an entry which says Terminal.
From this terminal you will execute
Code: Select all
cd /Volumes/DiskName
mv mach_kernel mach_kernel_bad
you will then change to your desktop directory from the terminal by typing
Code: Select all
cd /Volumes/DiskName/Users/<username>/Desktop/folder_containing_extracted_kernel
mv <kernelname> mach_kernel
cp -R mach_kernel /Volumes/DiskName/
Next we will do the same for the kext files
Code: Select all
cp -R (the name of the first kext file) /Volume/DiskName/System/Library/Extensions/
Given the kernel is appropriate for your system and you have read any comments / issues others may have had and suggested fixes before installing you can now reboot
you will reboot using the following flags
Code: Select all
-v -x -f

reboot again and hopefully your OS works as expected. If not debug as needed.
This is my wall of text guide to installing and updating Mac OSX Hackintosh Distro on an AMD CPU
