How do i make the image that is loaded invisable? :S
var refreshrate=2;
var image="";
var imgheight=565;
var imgwidth=800;
function refresh(){
document.images["pic"].src=image+"?"+new Date();
setTimeout('refresh()', refreshrate*1000);}
document.write('<IMG SRC="'+image+'" ALT="Alternate Text" NAME="pic" ID="pic" WIDTH="'+imgwidth+'" HEIGHT="'+imgheight+'" STYLE="border: 1px solid Black;">');
Making the image invisible? :S
a reason is a purpose. live life with reason.
What is the reason for not having a reason, is this unreasonable?
I guess the offense is neo asked a question and got a good answer from gogeta, then turned it down. Thats like asking for a glass of water, then saying "no thanks" when someone offers a bottle of water.
You never know who is going to give you your last glass of water..
I guess the offense is neo asked a question and got a good answer from gogeta, then turned it down. Thats like asking for a glass of water, then saying "no thanks" when someone offers a bottle of water.
You never know who is going to give you your last glass of water..
He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in Darkness, and Light dwells with him.
He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in Darkness, and Light dwells with him.