Program i made question

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Program i made question

Post by Floodhound »

I am a programmer and made a program recently for a Mother that had a troubled teen. She wanted her my-space account passwords and where the teen was getting drugs from, etc, etc. Well it is basically a key logger that can record all websites, thing typed, as well as times, dates, and a few other little tricks I included. The Question: I have is that I am considering selling it to the general public due to popular demand. I am concerned with getting sued from cheating boyfriend/girlfriends if the program was used for this nature. Do you think I can legally sell this thing? I know you all are probably lawyers but I just want input. Thanks oh, yes it is like a keylogger type of program!


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Post by bad_brain »

well, of course it depends on your local laws, but there are many of such (commercial) programs available already, so it´s not generally forbidden.
and people shouldn´t be able to sue you, nobody can sue the gunshop owner when somebody kills with a gun he sold... :lol:

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Post by LaBlueGirl »

That's why there is always the fine print that no one ever reads :)
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go sell it!

Post by DNR »

I have followed the legal issues of computers and networks, hacking is a fine line sometimes.

In the USA,
1. If the spouse owns the computer the keylogger was placed on, with their permission, it is legal. Ownership of the computer is the weight in the legal issue. A girlfriend cannot request that you 'enter' another's property (the boyfriend's home or private network) and place it on a computer that is not obviously owned by the girlfriend.

2. User beware, just like firearms and booze and automobiles, it is up to the user's discretion to use the product in a legal manner. Your product has some valid, legal use, unlike some 'cracking' programs.

3. Parents should monitor phone calls, internet use, and even their teen's driving habits, they are still kids! The internet does not make kids more mature or smarter, it is just another media portal to effect kid's minds.
Would you let your 11 year have access to 450 satellite/cable TV channels of uncensored material? No? Yet, parents put their kid on a keyboard..

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