Well i've got my 19" crt monitor for like a month now but sometimes it starts making a really annoying sound, like, dunno how to describe it it gives me a headache if it lasts to long. It suddenly appears and after a while stops, i've noticed it happens more frequently when i'm using heavy programs( omg it's to late, i can't express myself decently anymore). Does anyone know what might be the problem or the sollution?
hm, is it a a feeping tone in a high frequency? if yes it points to a problem with the device which generates the lines on the screen (sorry, didn´t found a translation for the word "zeilentrafo"). The device is at the end of the picture tube, the problem is mostly caused by the blank copper cable which is woven there, if it´s not woven correctly it starts to vibrate and causes this annoying tone. I would suggest to bring the monitor back and demand a new one, should be no problem because it´s a manufacturing error....
i just noticed something, when i'm using firefox i don't get the noise but when i simply minimize firefox and see my desktop it starts making the sound, did this about 10-20 times and it happened everytime.
It´s not depending on the application, it just depends on what is displayed on the screen. One of my old monitors was always making such noises when white fields were displayed like on notepad. The copper cables which are woven should be so tight that they can´t move (on some monitors they´re even glued together), but if it´s not done 100% correct they can begin to vibrate at different frequencies and the frequencies change with the content of what is displayed on the screen....
Another reason that it might be making a high pitch noise is that the power supply isn't sending enough energy to the moniter. I've had a few moniters that did this and then I noticed that after booting up and going through POST that I saw a messege on the screen saying that the power supply wasn't sending enough power to the moniter. The high pitch noise would increase in frequency when I was running more devices. Perhaps you are experiencing this problem.
i'll try that right away, it could be the reason since i'm using quite a few devices on one power supply (pc, monitor, phone adaptor, scanner, printer, modem, router, tv)
OK, this is weird, after my last post here i didn't do anything, for a couple of days now it hasn't made the noise but it had been making it everyday for over a week before i posted, don't know how it comes but i didn't unplug anything. i can't explain this but i'm very happy
Xonet wrote:OK, this is weird, after my last post here i didn't do anything, for a couple of days now it hasn't made the noise but it had been making it everyday for over a week before i posted, don't know how it comes but i didn't unplug anything. i can't explain this but i'm very happy
.....suck-o magic
Of course it's Suck-O magic! Who d'ya think did it?..friggen faeries??!!