its a christian site prooving that rock music is bad for ur health and all such kind of things

i know its a long article so i copied some of the most interesting/funny lines for you.
Imagine for a moment that you are a sheep in a large flock and suddenly you hear a cry of WOLF! You would probably run to safety as quickly as possible. But what if after you ran away you turned around and saw what looked like a sheep coming toward you, and not a wolf
An “animal” has approached the flock of God and some claim it is a “sheep” while others are saying that it is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” The “animal” that has approached the church is Christian rock music
In the last example the purpose of rock music was already alluded to, namely that rock music was designed by satan to “call up evil spirits” which in effect allows him to influence and or gain control of those who listen to it.
Thus far we have examined the origin of rock music, and the purpose of rock music, we will now look at its effect on people’s lives. Rock music negatively affects people in many ways. For one there is much evidence to show that rock music and its derivatives are addictive and can cause great harm to an individual.
So far we have seen that rock music was created by satan to influence and gain control of individuals. We have also established that rock music is addictive and does damage to one’s physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Thus we can conclude that rock music in any form, Christian or not, is a very destructive force.