starting out

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starting out

Post by ilkjester »

Ok so im just starting out. I guess you can't say im a noob or newb however ya want to spell it. But I have alot to learn but don't we all. Ive taken an html class at my highschool about two years ago. So im just gonna touch up on the and maybe go deeper into what I started. And I want to learn my first programing language, and also read up on networking because I bought a step up to networking book. Do you think im trying to do to much? Should i focus on one thing at a time? Or what would you recommend?

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Post by Necrix »

It depends on how much you can handle.

If I try doing too much at one time, I end up burning out and not being able to bring myself to do anything related to learning and computers for a while.

So..just take it easy. Go ahead and try to learn alot, but don't push yourself TOO hard.

Most of all...Enjoy it.

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Post by Gogeta70 »

Well said. Same applies to me, if i try too hard or give myself too much to do, i just burn out. Instead, i devote myself to just one or two things at a time, learn it well, and move onto the next thing when i'm ready.
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Post by ilkjester »

Yeah thats why I asked. Im only learning two things but im also retouching up on a subject. Maybe ill just drop the networking thing for now and just learn some more html and programing not sure which one ill start with.

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Post by DNR »

Go to college, get a cert or degree. They have computer labs, 'free' software to play with.
Hang out with other hackers to keep you simulated.

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Post by LaBlueGirl »

How much are you able to assimilate and understand?

I am an advocate (as anyone can attest to here) of starting out with HTML->css->javascript, and so forth.

If you can recreationally read networking while absorbing it and do your coding, then that's great.

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Post by isapiens »

here is what i do ilkjester. I started out by learning html, did all the tuts online, got some e-books, read them too. Then i started Java, but i realized that thing is way too complicated and its gonna take you a while to learn it well. So i just learned the basics and switched to JavaScript, cuz its easier and u can build web pages for fun. However, i still study Java when i get a chance, plus i am going to take a class on it this semester. What i am trying to say is that laguages like java and C++ gona take a while to learn.

But i dont spend all my time learning languages, otherwise i would have gone nutts. I read other stuff, like networking (thats what you are interested if i am not wrong), wardriving, etc.

There is a lot to learn for me and you, and there is always room for improvement.

Nice to meet you and good luck.

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Post by ilkjester »

Its nice to meet you all too. Yeah im intrested in networking. Im planning on going to college for computers but I still have two years of highschool left. Damn I really reqret screwing off. Well anyways ive come to the conclusion that Im gonna review html and read up on networking. Then I will learn whatever programming language I decide on by itself. Well ill be posting again whenever I need help with something.

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Post by Necrix »

Damnit..if only there were people at my school like there are at suck-o lol.
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Post by Nerdz »

Maybe they are, have you ever tried to find some? :P
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Post by ilkjester »

Ive tried to find people at my school which was a no go. Unless ive missed them or just dont know. But then again my school only has like 200 students or something. But there has to be atleast one or two more.

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