wargames info/rules -read this-

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wargames info/rules -read this-

Post by bad_brain »

allright, the server is up now and the first wargame is launched, so here is some general info and the rules:

- the adress of the wargames box is: www.suck-o.net
the suck-o.com server is NOT the wargames box! 8)
- the wargame server has been setup to provide an opportunity to users (especially the beginners of course) to hack without the danger of getting into trouble. so it's not a real competition, main target is for you to improve your skills and learn. it is planned to setup a root-the-box competition later, this will be a REAL competition, and there also will be prizes.

- the server status banner on the site has 3 different statuses:

offline means the box is not available because we work on it to provide a new challenge for example.
online means there is no wargame running at the moment, in this time you're still allowed to do scans and try to takeover the box (make sure to read the rules below).
wargame active means a wargame is running, check the wargames-site and the boards here for details. besides that the rules for status online still apply.

- rules
there are not many rules, but make sure not to break them.
don't run DoS/DDoS attacks against the wargames server, target is to own the box, not to bring it down (be a hacker, not a skiddie). also you will most likely have to deal with the legal department of the ISP then, we can't and will not protect you then and supply the ISP with the logs.
don't vandalize the box when you have gained access. we will simply restore the box then and you will not even be mentioned on the site, also we keep the option to contact the ISP. of course you are allowed to browse the server files and even to replace the index-file with your own one ("w00t! Mr.X was here!" or something like that :lol: ).

ok, so much for now, check this thread for updates regularly, the wargames itself will be announced in extra threads.

happy hacking!

thanks to all the people who work on this project for spending their time and effort.

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