I want to learn to hack and am willing to work hard.

No explicit questions like "how do I hack xxx.com" please!

What is the best language to use for hacking in general?

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I want to learn to hack and am willing to work hard.

Post by jneaod »

I want to know what languages I would need to know in order to hack my schools web-server and deface their webpage. Thank-you.

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Post by Chaos1986 »

jneaod wrote:I want to know what languages I would need to know in order to hack my schools web-server and deface their webpage. Thank-you.
Ok First Off I Would Like To Ask You A Question. Did You READ The Rules Of Suck-o ? :!: If You Did Then You May Reconize The Following Line. 3. No explicit questions, such as 'can someone hack www.somesite.com' or 'how do i hack www.blah.com', etc. We are not here to do work for you, but to help you on your way to learn how to do it yourself. Nor do we support the defacing, or hacking of websites. Just Tewlling You As A Friend To Help Keep You Out Of Trouble. :twisted: :evil:
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Post by Gogeta70 »

Sorry man, like chaos said, asking for such information is against the rules, as is giving that information.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Re: I want to learn to hack and am willing to work hard.

Post by Nerdz »

jneaod wrote:I want to know what languages I would need to know in order ...
Relax guys 8) . This guy is asking which language he should learn. He's not asking us to do a dirty job or to point him via a SKiddie apps...

jneaod, I would suggest you to learn about javascript, php and mysql. Try to make few website with form. Test them :wink:

O.K. Here is the *ethic* part... :)

First jneaod, I personally think that learning something to destroy something else, it is a waste of time. It can be funny at the beginning, but you'll see by the time that it gets boring :wink: .

So you want to deface your school website? Great :roll: . Now please take these in consideration before attacking it.

You may not be the first one who think about it :wink: . Even if more and more people say that school website have a lack in security, you can be suprise how other school website are protected. What if the admin get you on his log? (There is *always* a way to track back someone). So if you get cought, you may get suspend or even kick-out of school. You may then get restricted from a computer and other sanction like this.

But hey... what if you talk to the technician of your school and tell him you want to learn about website security? You could learn a LOT from this and maybe even be the one who will fight against the hacker of this website.

Then, the school technician would be glad to show you more and more stuff and maybe recomend you for a job... you could even get a bourse 8)

So, yeah you could hack the school website, get some badass attention... OR you could learn a lot more and help people... Think about it and have a nice day.

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Post by bad_brain »

well, it was ok to close the thread, not because of the topic but because of the intention behind it.... :wink:
no big deal, but jneaod, learning a programming language is nothing you can do in 2 weeks, it needs a lot of time and effort. read the howto for beginners-thread to see where you have to start... :wink:

thread closed now, amen... :lol:
