Can anyone tell me something more why you could want to change your MAC Adress? F.e. why does changing the Mac Adress increases sercurity?Protect Personal and Individual Privacy. Some companies track users via their MAC Addresses... In addition, there are more and more Wi-Fi Wireless connections available these days, and Wireless network security and privacy is all about MAC Addresses...
- Can they just indetifie my computer with the MAC Adress?
- If I connect to a WLan will I change my Mac Adress before and back afterwards so they cant indentfy me ?
Are this the two only ways to change the MAC Adress?
If I connect to the internet without a proxy they can see my mac adress?Under Windows, the MAC address is stored in a registry key. To change a MAC address, find that key with `regedit` and change it. Of course, Microsoft keeps moving the location of the key around!
Windows XP adds an option to change the MAC address on some network cards under the Advanced tab in the network adapter's Properties menu.
If I connect trough a proxy they see the mac of the proxy, right?
Is changing the MAC adress only important for wardrivers?
Do you know any links that are usefull to read about this topic ?