IRC on Trillian Help...

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IRC on Trillian Help...

Post by z3mwaz »

I tried to set up IRC ono my Trillian client, but it wil not connect.
I dont have Any experience with IRC, but i want to learn.

if u have never used trillian i'll try my best to describe the set up screen

it has 5 text bars to enter different info

(Sorry for the crude picture, it was the only way i could describe it)

___________________ ________
| "Server Alias" | via IRC| Connect |
``````````````````` ------------
|" "| | . . . | = "Button to list IRC servers"
| "Nickname" |
| "Username" |
| "User Info" |

|_| check to auto connect


All the text that i entered above is there by default.

in the first box i tried =
Second box = #suck-o
other boxes = "common sense"

but it wont connect
what did i do wrong?

did i enter "" and "#suck-o" in the wrong places?

I cant even connect using mIRC
This sux...


Well i finally got mIRC to work and conneted to the uplink server the see who was in #blackcode.
this is only third or forth time i've used IRC nad i always see a banner saying " Connect using SSL or get ur but kicked"
how do i connect with SSL?
i have putty but i'm still just playing with it
“Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity.”

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