Operating System..?

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Operating System..?

Post by Saiba-Tenma »

I have been reading up on stuff about hacking. I find a lot of windows based software but I wonder and I have wondered for a while. What is the best system to use. Well I would more or less like to know the pros and cons of each.

I have been told Linux, Unix, Windows, and even the other one... Solaris (I dont know if I spelled that correctly.)

I guess a second part to this post would be... Do you really have to have good programming skills... If you want to be able to hack, and why? I mean it would seem to me that there are a lot of programs out now that can get the job done. I guess since I have never been there I cant talk about I dont see what programming skills would be for if there are programs that do most if not all of the work.

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Post by z3mwaz »

its really a matter of opinion, i've work with linux (not hacking just learning the system) and i liked it alot. you can do sooo much more than you can on a windows box, but it does take time to get use to it if you've experimented with a *nix based OS. But it is very very fun

but, right now i have a windows box set up with a intel 1.3Ghz processor, 265Mb RAM, a 6.0Gb hardrive, and some unknown to me PCI video card
(Please so laugh too hard, some crack-azz broke into my house and stole almost everything of mine) all that was left was 3 old computers that i used to practice network tools on.
IT SUCKS lol bad

but i have a lot of windows knowledge and i can really do a lot with "windoz" now.
just last night i found a way to get "System Rights" not just admin SYSTEM.
like i stated in one of my other post that explains how i did it,
I didnt even know you could gain system rights on a windows box.
even after 5 years of reading windows, installing windows, tweaking windows, ...
i learn somthing new each day.
now i look for tools that run in windows, and try as many as i can before a get a pop up in the right hand side of my screen saying "Low Memory Space"
Then i delete loads of files and start playing with new programs

I so got off topic... :roll:

it will depend on you,
but i say learn about every OS you can.
if you want to hack you'll need as much info on every OS to be a good "hacker"
then pick the one you like the best.
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Post by Nerdz »

I quote this from a guy on www.blackcode.com :" Learning hacking on windows is just like learning how to dance with heavy boots."
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Post by bad_brain »

good quote nerdz... :lol:

well, "hacking" needs knowledge in coding and networking, the coding aspect can be covered on Windows too, but the networking aspect is definitly a Linux thing because TCP/IP is implemented in the Linux kernel and not just an external application like on Windows (for example: try to setup a custom firewall/packetfilter on XP and you go insane, on Linux it's an easy thing with a lot more options). so best setup a spare computer as server running on Linux (Debian is a good choice imo), it's a great opportunity to get into networking, for coding issues you can still use Windows.
stay away from Solaris if you're a beginner, it's a little too special....


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my opinion

Post by floodhound2 »

In my opinion you’re idea of hacking is a misconception. Hacking is in my eyes: is the knowledge of how things work in great detail; then using this knowledge to get a job done in an unusual manor, or the way it was not intended to be used in. Script kiddies use programs to do “HACKING” but this is not hacking.

For example my step son was on the local news and it was broadcast on the internet. I wanted a copy of the file but the server that it was on would not allow this. So I HACKED it but not like you think. I used Microsoft FrontPage and other ways to get what I wanted. I spent several hours copying and trying different things until I learned how I was able to make a copy. This is hacking. I know many programs that I can use inside and out. If that is not getting the job done I program my own custom to get what I need. Then taking what I know I twist the rules to get a desired effect, or goal accomplished. Hacking is a mental behavior or condition that takes time to develop.

So be it Windows, Linux or what ever you choose; get to know it inside and out. Tear it apart and build it back up. Ask thousands of questions, (drink cases of beer) by swapping stories and or effects you get and others get. Defiantly programming is a great tool learning API, C, Assembly or python you’ll get to learn the “HACKING” skill more in depth. Then teach what you know, this makes you even more knowledgeable because students ask question you may have not thought of yet.

HACKING is not planting viruses, Trojans, or the sort. It is a way of life.

The kid that tears apart his Tonka truck to see how it worked is a great start towards hacking.


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Post by Gogeta70 »

Niice floodhound, better than i could've described hacking off the top of my head.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by z3mwaz »

my hands are up to Flood
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love the explaintion
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study network tech

Post by DNR »

As far as operating systems go, there are many and then there are even more variations or mods to make them even more unique.

I find too many neos get over whelmed because they think they need to learn all unix, linux and Windows at once. Start with Network and computer technologies, then pick a Server OS to study. Desktop OS is not the least important, but sometimes has little to do with actual networking. Programming is a part of your study, but first you need to get the networking basics. I am more of a network tech/admin heavy hacker than a coder, I learned enough about code to read it, but I don't care to write it.

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