question about exploits

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question about exploits

Post by n3rd »

1: is there a scanner for detecting in a server that is patched or un patched?.

2: if we have an exploit, how do I execute them to affect the site that I want to gain root rights to. ( read something about cmd or summat )

3: could u guys be friendly enough to explain in detail, so please dont hold back XD

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Post by pseudo_opcode »

1.Scanner scans for vulnerabilities in a server.. if it shows that the server is vulnerable, that automatically means it is not patched(unless its a honeypot).
And scanners can never do what we humans can do.. remember we created them

2.Exploit is a piece of code or program which exploits vulnerabilities in a vulnerable server, it wont give you root access always(infact it never does).

tip:most of the exploits on net have a main portion commented so that skiddies cant use them. so you have to understand them first.

btw exploits are compiled and then executed..(i dont know if in skiddie world, they are already compiled)

3. Every exploit is unique.. so all we can tell you is that you have to use your compiler or interpretor to make it work... giving too much details will break the rules..(and rules at suck-o are not meant to be broken :D )

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Post by n3rd »

well im looking for an exploit that does give me root acces.

but besides that .

can some of you explain me /ntdaddy.asp

according to the creators it is a RAT. but I am not able to acces it why?.

I get a error that the page doesnt exist but a scanner does pick it up.

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