Linux and Dev C++?Tutorials and textfiles?

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Linux and Dev C++?Tutorials and textfiles?

Post by Necrix »

I'm setting up a computer for the pure use of learning(Tutorials, textfiles, notes, proggie languages). Now, I've come across the problem that the computer and parts I'm working with are quite old and couldn't handle Windows 98 let alone Windows XP Pro.
So, I figured "Linux!, Ah yes, that awesome OS everyone's talking about". But I wanted to know if Linux can be used for stuff like this(Dev C++, coding, tutorials, etc.)

I know this question is pretty "n00bish", but bear with me..please :D
Previous readings on Linux confused me the first time I heard about Linux/Unix and the Distros.("So many of them! 8O")

Thanx everyone.

P.s. Maybe even Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing or something of the sort so that I may teach my fingers to type correctly instead of having the many typos. LOL, I fear this will be the downfall of my coding experience-Wondering for hours why it's not working when it's a simple typing error.
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Post by bad_brain »

Hm, I´m not a Linux-expert (not yet...hehe... 8) ), but C++ should be even easier with Linux because the programming platform is included (at least in the distros I know).
Check for "Fluxbox", I´ve heard it is the right thing for slow machines, because modern distros with KDE or GNOME will need even more performance than XP (400mhz, 128mb RAM minimum for graphic mode, 200mhz and 64mb for textmode for RedHat for example).

But well, I´m sure other people can give you more and better advice... :wink:

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Post by the-white »

hi there.
Well compiling and creating c++ apps in linux isreally easy. all you have to to is writte the code in a text editor ( vi, emacs for example.) Then you need to compile it so do this: cpp "yourfilename".txt
it will compile and check for errors. if everything is ok it will create a file named a.out
to finally run your program just type: a.out
it is possible that your distribution doesn´t have the c++ module so try out cc , g++

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