How you dig information?

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How you dig information?

Post by Nerdz »

How do you dig information from someone? Like, you get their name and then? you go to google and if your in canada you get to canada 411 and then you get his phone? and then, with his phone you get his zip code?
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Post by CommonStray »

well its all about social engineering tactics, you see you can pose as anyone over a telephone line (not at home tho) such as a credit card customer service rep. the possibilities are nearly endless, you can go trashing to find stuff, you can surveillance there residence to find out schedules, you can even listen in on their phone conversations via a beige box.

there are so many channels to go through, see in the states people have public records that practically anyone can see

it just really all depends on what kind of information your looking to dig up, pm me and let me know and perhaps i can give ya some help or tips :wink:

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