How to Hack - Start Here!

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How to Hack - Start Here!

Post by CommonStray »

ok, my friends...lets get some things straight here.

Read the Rules of this site before you post...they are located in the top of every board...Read them and follow them and your questions will be answered, do not follow them, and its likely you will be warned, if it continues you will be banned. Nuff Said...


1. is not a place to "learn to hack banks, servers, forums, The Matrix etc..."

2. This place and community is to help people with computer and network related problems, if youve read any of the posts... we DO NOT help people to hack illegally.

3. If there is a specific area of a "specific technology" we can help you with :wink: we will do the best we can to help you.

4. This is not a "learn to hack like in the Matrix" website...there is no such thing.

5. Read more, you may watch to much TV and movies, things that are in The Matrix and in the movies, Hackers, Wargames, Swordfish, Mission Impossible , and same as such entertainment, IS NOT REAL or at least do not happen regularly and when they happen, they are dealt with like a snap of a finger...

6.We definitly appreciate enthusiasm, and we want you to be here at our forums, but d00ds The Matrix is not real.

7.Try to dedicate your time and experience to IT, Networking and Security.

8.To Learn to Hack is to Learn to Secure.

9.Practice, Practice, Practice, on homemade or dedicated LAN's

10. First rule of Fight Club...You do not talk about Fight Club :lol:
Last edited by CommonStray on 21 Jul 2006, 14:20, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by PLeXroD »

nice done.... at last ..... the last is defenatly good ...."10. First rule of Fight Club...You do not talk about Fight Club"...... nice....
and your are defenatly right the only thing i want to learn is to secure and hack..... and its gonna take a long long time before i know how to do so :wink: .... but i think it shouldn't go faster. :!: ...

so Newbies buckle up... and learn how to secure... and do not do like they do in the Matrix cause its fool.... as hes said its just a movie...
-Never try to be uncommon, instead of that only realize it's you that is common...-

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-Never try to hack platform, instead of that, only make security and teach other to do that to-

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Post by Nerdz »

I think you guys have watch to much the matrix :P
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Post by CommonStray »

hence....the reason for this post

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Post by anonymous_clinton »

As a newbie, I'm somewhat offended, however, most wanna be hackers, i can imagine, are complete idiots.
And you are right, the Matrix is not real... it's the world that has been pulled over your eyes...


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Post by PLeXroD »

As a newbie, I'm somewhat offended, however, most wanna be hackers, i can imagine, are complete idiots.
so you think that us who what to be white hats is complete idiots or is it just me? .... so what are you offended of then if you think that hackers are complete idiots? ....
i quote from CircuitBomB:
- Whitehats: are the that groupe of hacker that only wanna to do good like to secure and make safety...

- Greyhats: are that groupe that is in between of the good hacking with the securing and safety, and the groupe who is the ones who wanna to distroy and hack into mainframes and banks and steal other folks money!

- Blackhat/Redhats: that groupe which will hack for bad and really wanna make destrucktion....
i think it was that way he said it or something in that way.. but i got offended buy what you wrote and you are right, but i think you ought to know the facts that i wanna know how hack, but in a good way and absolutely not in a bad way, and i think the most people feel that way in here they do not want to know how to hack in a bad way but in a good way... if you understand me...
would you pleaze PM me so that if you wanna continue the discution we do it out side the forum that we write to each other... instead of writing in here....

if there are anyone feels offended by this then sorry for that plaeze PM me then....

yours sincerly DJSUNRISE
-Never try to be uncommon, instead of that only realize it's you that is common...-

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-Never try to hack platform, instead of that, only make security and teach other to do that to-

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Post by O_g_MaC1 »

this site is cool but i just want to say it's a pice of shit cause it doesn't have what i am looking for nothing bad against it but i need a good SYN Flooder and your site just doesn't have that no ones does all i can ever find is the source code and pictures for one if you find me a good one of those i will donate mad loot to your site :D

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Post by CommonStray »

Ok first off, this post wasnt made to hurt anyones feelings, it was not to have any intentional fingers pointing...

to put it in simple terms DJSunrise



O_g_MaC1 you know getting on our board and saying this site is a piece of shit isnt very respectful...if you want or need something we will help you get it, all takes is for you to want an SYN Flooder here are some links ... ms/synk4.c

mind you if you check out these files homepages you may find more...funny that you come to a site that has so much to offer within the community, that you badger this site and you cant find a SYN Flooder yourself...I got all those from Googling "SYN Flooder" and how ironic is saying a site is cool then saying its a piece of shit because it doesnt have what YOUUUU tell someone... tell one of us staff members and we'll help you...sheesh...

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Post by bad_brain »

Code: Select all

IPTABLES -A FORWARD -p tcp --syn -m limit --limit-burst 5 -j ACCEPT
well,well,well....see how simple it is to block a crappy syn-flood attack?

maybe that´s why this site don´t waste space for such stuff....:roll:
O_g_MaC1, be happy Circuit helped you, if you´ll not show respect in the future I´ll ban you, so take this as a warning.

all the rest has already been said by Circuit,
so relax, guys...

