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Post by mrmike »

:D lol is that a off topic *dont hope so*

hello my name is mike and i come from switzerland,i speak french(but only very bad),english(bad 2^^),germany and naturally swiss germany.
im a structural draughtsman apprentice (hope its right in english-.-) and im 16 years old/young ;)

im good @ pascal (lol i know not very usefull) and i learn html,c,vb,phreking very interesting in all kind of coding (especially vb) and paintball(lol).

im here because suck-o has the fucking best comunity and the fucking bestforum i ever found...

so thanx to all peoples here in suck-o and thanx for giving they knowlege to peoples like me..

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Post by LaBlueGirl »

mrmike wrote:hello my name is mike and i come from switzerland,i speak french(but only very bad),english(bad 2^^),germany and naturally swiss germany.
im a structural draughtsman apprentice (hope its right in english-.-) and im 16 years old/young ;)
Hmmm. You're English isn't bad. Considering you (and many others here) are a non-native English speaker...
"Hey, Crash!
Ever tried walking with no legs?

It's real slow!"
~Crunch, Crash Bandicoot TTR

Fame ! Where are the chicks?!
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Post by mrmike »

LaBlueGirl wrote:isn't bad. Considering you (and many others here) are a non-native English speaker...
:oops: thanx :D

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Post by LaBlueGirl »

mrmike wrote:
LaBlueGirl wrote:isn't bad. Considering you (and many others here) are a non-native English speaker...
:oops: thanx :D
It's the truth!!

In fact, just knowing how many of ya'll can speak English-as-a-second/third/fourth language makes me: :oops:


All you people here should be very proud of yourselves....

And besides, it makes me try harder with my French/Dutch...

"Hey, Crash!
Ever tried walking with no legs?

It's real slow!"
~Crunch, Crash Bandicoot TTR

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Post by Jontebullen »

Well hello everyone,
My name is Jonatan, 16 y o from Stockholm, Sweden. as you might've noticed i speak english mais un peu francais aussi. (wonder if i spelled that right, french aint the most fun subject in school)

I know pretty much only HTML. My math teacher is pushing my to learn QBasic though. He is kinda wierd, he can look for buttons on the keyboard and me and my friends stand there helping him by pointing at them, but still he is a really good programmer. Don't know how that can be? :? whatever...

Right now i'm setting up a server on my computer, gonna try to perform some sort of DoS attack on it later on (stuff like that could be good to know :twisted: )
This forum seems pretty cool so you guys will probably have to stick with me for just a little longer :wink:

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Post by ayu »

Jontebullen wrote:Well hello everyone,
My name is Jonatan, 16 y o from Stockholm, Sweden. as you might've noticed i speak english mais un peu francais aussi. (wonder if i spelled that right, french aint the most fun subject in school)

I know pretty much only HTML. My math teacher is pushing my to learn QBasic though. He is kinda wierd, he can look for buttons on the keyboard and me and my friends stand there helping him by pointing at them, but still he is a really good programmer. Don't know how that can be? :? whatever...

Right now i'm setting up a server on my computer, gonna try to perform some sort of DoS attack on it later on (stuff like that could be good to know :twisted: )
This forum seems pretty cool so you guys will probably have to stick with me for just a little longer :wink:
Welcome to Suck-o!! Don't forget to join us at mIRC ^^ there is a mIRC client on the site if you go to the "home page" and look in the upper right corner..kinda
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Post by CommonStray »

welcome everyone whos recently posted their intro's, we welcome you here to learn and teach others.

Help make this community grow by telling your friends relatives or just telling others about it

We encourage members to submit news, tutorials, custom programs, play the wargames and participate in contests for prizes, if you know a good resource tell us about it! Dont see something but think its a good idea, let us know!

We hope you find what your looking for!!

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Post by computathug »

ok so time to introduce myself .... im ants from england and yes im one of the oldies lol just turned 34 and am here to learn and learn and b_b and after reading your first post have just as much desire to find catch burn destroy as many sick things as possible. in fact its whats got my back up and inspired me to learn exactly as you are teaching. i would even be as pleased to stand up in court and say i did it i hacked them yes charge me but ffs make sure they go down for a long time and i would be proud of it. hey the nets the net and porns great and im a man but id love to help stamp[ out whats not wanted. in fact b_b if ya free sometime theres a few things id like you to help me with if ya interested but would rather chat in a secure environment if ya know what i mean lol.

k a bit about me then ....

well ive been a butcher since i was 16 but during that time have also learned to drive plant machinary or big toy for big boys as i call them(big earth movers) always thought of them as a virtual arcade game for some reason hence the desire to learn lol. i also build repair pc's for people which i started 2 years ago when i realized shops were charging £80-100 just to format a pc and reinstall windows and thought nice one il charge £30 and av never looked back and am quite happy making money out of people not prepared to learn the simplest of tasks themselves.

great site and thnaks for sharing your knowledge


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Post by Swan »

great to have you on the site!

I am delighted to hear of a fellow crusader as to the maggots that are paedophiles, I am a law student so if your ever in need of legal help, let me know! :wink:

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Post by shamir »

I will introduced myself

name shamir isakov
gender male
job no job yet
form brooklyn ny
born in baku
thats all :P

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Post by CommonStray »


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Post by Big-E »

Well, my name is Matt and I am 20 years of age. Currently enrolled with a BA in Military History at University after taking 1st year Computer Science. I did too much drinking, partying and not enough programming so I had to drop out, or risk being kicked out. So now I am in the easy program so I can continue my drinking and partying, not to mention my rugby playing. Anyway, I plan on attaining my BA and then entering a technical school when I am done with University from there I plan on getting some certs from various vendors such as cisco, maybe go for network+ and security+ and work from there to become a Network Security ultimate goal. Why am I here you ask? To learn as much as possible about secure something, you first need to know how to get by security. ;)

I also enjoy sports and play numerous..I play hockey, baseball and rugby on competitive teams and soccer and football usually just pick up. I enjoy reading and getting laid...yeah, that is me. Most people just know me as a drunk jock, consider yourself lucky to know my nerdy side. heh

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Post by bad_brain »

Welcome to suck-o! :wink:

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Post by bubzuru »

name : paul (lol never call me that)
age : 16
intrests : vb , , and anyting else electronic
location : england
well thats it
suck-o rules

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Post by bad_brain »

a late welcome, bubzuru... :lol:

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