Hello everyone! I've been lurking here for a while now and I've recently become more active around here so i figured it's time to introduce myself. My alias (obviously) is Fer0x which is latin for Fierce..it's also a cool spaceship in EVE online

I'm still relatively new but I'm learning rather quickly. So far i just know bits and pieces about many different things like php or networking. I haven't really fully grasped any one thing yet but i intend to learn just about everything i can about computers and hacking in general. I even spend some time researching other things like nanotechnology and biological engineering. I kinda wanna be that mad scientist guy in the movies who makes sentient life forms in a lab and unleashes them on the unsuspecting populace

The reason i got into hacking was simply because i find it fun! Getting past security and "borrowing"

information is all so exciting. That and it's my own personal way of defying "The Man" as i have somewhat anarchistic beliefs. Even though a lawless society is an impossibility as it is human nature to form some kind of structure. But that's a rant for another time. And the most important reason for me getting into hacking is of course, Reven- i mean so i can get a job in computer security.
Now for the boring statistics.
Age: 19
City: Wichita
State: Kansas
Country: United States
Occupation: Unemployed
Skills: Jack of all trades, Master of none...for now
Operating System: Windows XP Pro
(i had a ubuntu partition but it died somehow...working on fixing it.)
Sexual Orientation: Now why on earth would you want to know that!? This is the internet! What are you? Some kind of pervert stalker?
IP Address:
Social Security #:
Hmm, i'm probably leaving stuff out but i can't think of anything else at the moment. Oh, i also do modeling for fun when I'm not cramming data into my brain so here's a picture of me being awesome