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Post by rxlb »

thanks CircuitB0mB, im looking forward to asking you some questions :) ...i dont have a tattoo but i know some tattoo artists here...glad to be part of this community :)

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Post by PLeXroD »

i know that i got a rank called Forum Buddy....
i want to intruduce my self....

im from Denmark, and my main lang. is Danish and my second lang. is English.....
my interest lies in Computer-Hacking.... i think it is facinating how you that when you hack in to a server or mainframe.... i would like be like that when i know enough....
-Never try to be uncommon, instead of that only realize it's you that is common...-

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Post by ramnarayan »

Hey all!

Name is same as the handle. 21 yrs old from India. Fairly good in C, C++. recently learnt Perl and now trying to come to grips with Linux.

Work in anti-spam, play Bass whenever I have time to spare. Hope to learn from all of you and trying to contribute however I can.


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Post by bad_brain »

DJSUNRISE, when you have enough knowledge you will not feel the urge to hack servers any more, you want to run your own server then, it´s much more fun and makes much more sense, believe me...:wink:

sounds nice, ramnarayan! I begun to learn Perl too, and it´s real fun because of the networking abilities, and because it´s better to handle than Java, which is my first programming language (ok, these languages can´t be really compared anyway).

so: welcome, guys! :)

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Post by Decipher »

Whats going on , My handle is Decipher, 19 years old from Canada (portuguese decent) , getting a Masters in Computer Science, at the university of Brock (ok you might be able to narrow it down to where i live uh oh lol) I've been hacking since i was 13, computers is my life and i was out of the game for half a year, and i changed handles since (MysticReaper) Anyways i found this site threw progenic, and it looks like a cool bunch, i wanna really be a talented hacker, and have no limits, so im thirsting for knowlege, i know java, c, c++, visual, turing rofl, asm (lil), machine language, html, php(lil), dos, shell programming and more i can't remember off the top of my head. Favourite linux OS is Suse right now, and what else can i tell you bout me, i use to be obsessed with CounterStrike lol, and i got a 3 comps in my dorm, two running linux and one running windows, anyways i hope i can help others, and i can learn in the process, take care ill see you guys in the forums!

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Post by CommonStray »

good to meet ya Decifer and Welcome to the boards, good array of knowledge you posted, good to have someone around that knows a bit of asm and dos :lol: CounterStrike is the probably the only shooter ive never played :roll: but im big into Halo, anyways keep up the posting and do your best to help ppl that need it, and whenever you need some help with something just ask, youll have some kind of reply in a short amount of time

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Post by PLeXroD »

8O know java, c, c++, visual, turing rofl, asm (lil), machine language, html, php(lil), dos, shell programming and more i can't remember off the top of my head 8O
oh oh that awsome dude... i wish knew the same as you... 8O im shocked you should be a teacher that did teach in hacking man that is so incredible 8O ...
-Never try to be uncommon, instead of that only realize it's you that is common...-

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Post by Stavros »


On the 'net I go by Stavros. I got into computers after kicking around and getting sick of sports and guitar. I've had my mind set on being video game programmer since about May of last year, however there's one big set back: I don't know any languages. That can be remedied, but I just need a lot of time. Anyway, I'm interested in computers. Oh yea, I'm 18. I play a lot of Xbox and if I can get my computer to stop freezing up during Call of Duty 2 I'll be into PC Gaming. Xbox Live. w00t.

[Edit] The last four months (give or take a few weeks) I had spent some time at an apperently well known and respected Hardware site ( where I did a lot of my research on hardware before I bought my hardware. FYI, I built my computer. So, I'm familiar with hardware, but not software.

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Post by CommonStray »

Stavros Welcome to the the suck-O forums :D

im a big xbox player too, got a 360 when it came out, anyways what is your computers hardware specs, and what programs run all the time (ie virus programs etc...) check your hardware compatibilities and make sure your meeting the required for Call of Duty 2, try stopping all programs before running it, and if that also doesnt work, try checking your graphics acceleration within the game (could even be the refresh rate locking it up)

Again welcome to the forums!!

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Post by FrankB »

My turn.

My background in computers is a bit related to my family, my old man started his interests in computers as a mathematician on a COMMODORE 64, he went for a degree in ITC engineering as 'analyst-programmer' to pursue his math research and computation algorithms.
I still remember the weird characters that showed up, a spade, a diamond etc.. as i slammed random keys on the keyboard as a 6 year old kid does on keyboards, especially when thy belong to adults.
FatherB then told me that those characters were "machine talk", a word that i have never forgotten. When the first dialup-systems and modems were available for Belgian citizens, i was still a kid and even more amazed by listening to the 'machine talk' when i picked up the phone that was 'dialing-in'. I kept asking *Why* and as a kid i didn't understand the answers like , "computation", "compilation" and "assembly", i thought computers had a 'life & language' of their own.

*It is alive!*

To keep me busy, fatherB programmed a quick&dirty calculator in PASCAL language that did addition only and asked me to make a quick&dirty program in that same PASCAL that would do the substraction and later on : multiplication, division and modulus, all based on the guidelines of his first snippet of code. I was 10 or 11 at that time i think and i remember being very frustrated about the 'modulus' :)

(Tim Berners Lee had at that time published the WorldWideWeb RFC that we all now call "Internet": TCP over IP, in 1982)

My adolescence was computerless until i got interested in MIDI and computer-wise sound manipulations of all kinds. At the same time, on highschool, since i opted for science and maths, we had a compulsatory module in informatics. So, we had programming classes in PASCAL.

Friends of mine, in others schools had programming classes in BASIC.
The fight begun. I hated BASIC in favor of PASCAL somehow. Too much 'monkey business' in comparision. A bit like what a Java programmer would say now to a C-family developer.

Computers where an everyday work and life tool when i was ready for the employment market, looking for a job with some first canditate degrees in philosophy and communication scieces and a graduation in psychology. The first jobs i had were all accountancy related, that is to say : Excell & Access, Oracle, Delphi and so... SQL.

From than on, as a kid who thought that computers of all kind (from terminals, consoles to toshiba laptops and cellphones) had a "language of their own" called "machine language" in my juvenile fantasy, i wanted to know all the dialects, variants, sematics, exceptions, clauses etc.. So i did all that 'searching' which is nowadays called 'reverse-engineering' in my office at work in late afterhours.
Note : i am far, far far away from an expert, i remain an enthousiast because i loke "Machine Talk" !).
It is when i had a job in a telecom company related to WorldCom MCI that i started to take classes.
From that period on, i still learn, day by day.

Actual skills:
- ahum .. i know how to make a "HelloWorld" in many languages, even esoteric languages like Ook! :-)
- generically : what all of us know here : xHTML (XML), SQL, PHPx,ASP.NET(give an F for this one), XSL & CSS, other acronymic variants of the same kind.
-I am a n000000b, in Java.
-PERL is my biggest friend and i'd like to win the Perlmongers' contest one day.
-C,C++ and C# (when it is ISO compliant, so not always on any Win32 API)

Plans :
- I'd like to write a browser one day and i'd like to define a DTD for stringed music instruments.

Credits :
I like this forum because it is not hostile to n00bs (so far ;-)

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Post by CommonStray »

Welcome to Suck-O FrankB!

Interesting timeline above, when you mentioned your father being a mathematician of sorts i got flashes from the movie Pi, lmao

suck-O wont ever be a hostile community, we do alot to keep it this way, we take to heart that we were all noobs once ;)

anyways enjoy yourslef here and get involved in any of the topics and subjects that interest you, if you need answers...we will do what we can to answer them

((psst... site owner LOVES PERL and Java)) :lol: [/u]

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Post by bad_brain »

psst... site owner LOVES PERL and Java


I really like Perl.. Java not SO much, but I had to learn it in my studies. but well, in the last time I was focussing on server security stuff, so I want to refresh my knowledge in both languages, it´s funny how fast you forget stuff when you´re not practicing..

and nice to read the term COMMODORE 64 again, it was my second computer, my first one was an Atari 600XL...I worked in my school holidays for weeks in a crappy factory to be able to buy a C64 and a datasette drive...
"another visitor! stay a while, staaaaay forevaaaaa!!" surely remember this game, right? :lol:

oh, I´m having flashbacks........before it gets worse:
welcome on the site! :wink:

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Post by FrankB »



Yes, "PI the movie", the irony is that both fatherB and me, FrankB play Go (wei-ki) like Cohen and his mentor (GÔdel) in the movie, ( on (that was for the linksp4m ;-) in which i am a n00b also.

Now, Oooooops, that's enough ego-tripery but i wanted to introduce myself.

As what the forum concerns : I am quite @ARGV :),, thank you.


I am affraid that i will be thrown in the realms of All.That.Exceptionally.LongName(CamelCaseJavaStuff,[yes,yes]) quite soon. All the job oportunities that i have now require a basic to medium Java SDK experience. A thing i don't have.

It is indeed funny how much suntax you loose when not practising. Lately, i wanted to update my javascript to write a mini-tutorial for dHTML afficionados and ow,..ow..ow.. that was painfull.

*runs away from screen*
*Pssshhh..., runs for a DVD and has a Jupiler beer with that*

I am always someone else's n00b.

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Post by 4rc4ng3L »

Hey guys, handle is Ar( , live in Ireland. I am 19 and studying computer science, only in my first year though . I Would like to think i have been hacking since i was 12 or so. Whether it was hacking some game code or cracking a program i wanted to use how i see fit.
Either way i know im not as good as some of you guys but that just means there is more for me to learn 8)

Well thats pretty much me... im sure you'll see me around the forums often.

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Post by CommonStray »

Welcome to the forums :D

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