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Re: welcome buddy

Post by pseudo_opcode »

DNR wrote:Welcome pseudo_opcode,
I certainly appreciated your skill in writing english. And it is also great to have you here, if anything, to represent your country. You'll like the fact that suck-o crosses borders ( I also have websense at work, blocking suck-o too.) You'll find a few of us are old school, just like you :wink:

8) psst if you stick around a while, I'll tell ya how to hack your 'newbie' title.... :wink:

Man if you give me a chance, i can try myself to hack my title, but i just dont wanna take so much pain just to change a title, but dont worry, if i do anything of that sort i will surely seek permission first. :wink:

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Better late than never, I s'pose:)

Post by LaBlueGirl »

Nice to meetcha, opcode.

Well, you certianly know more than I do with re: comps. I am mostly a theories kinda girl.
I understand how all this sh*t works np, but I can only do HTML and css as far as "languages" goes:)
Guess I mean to say I can do the whole abstract thinking part, figure out how sh*t works and use it well.

Doesn't matter how much you know, new people are always welcome here :)

See ya 'round

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It's real slow!"
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Post by PLeXroD »

Heya Opcode....

hehe... :oops: you're defenatly better than me at prog lang and comp lang :P ...
Well, you certianly know more than I do with re: comps. I am mostly a theories kinda girl.
I understand how all this sh*t works np, but I can only do HTML and css as far as "languages" goes:)
Guess I mean to say I can do the whole abstract thinking part, figure out how sh*t works and use it well.
yea LBG check my site out now!!....

C'yaall around
-Never try to be uncommon, instead of that only realize it's you that is common...-

-In grater common sence Linux is better than MS Windows-

-Never try to hack platform, instead of that, only make security and teach other to do that to-

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Post by Azeem »

hi guyz....
m a newbie here...infakt its ma first post in this forum...
the most interesting thing abt this forum is that it ALSO about teaching newbies...what they dont got to know usually
i dont know how would i be replied abt this post...
i wanted to ask something
that i want to be a gray hat...
it would be wrong?, if i want to know things to make myself more secure...nd more updated about security issues...
if someone messes with it right to like hack him to teach him a lesson...not to make any harm to his to tell him that whoes the boss :P...or to do it jst for fun with it IS to be mentioned that i am not talking about hacking websites,hacking PCs and destroying or stealing thier personal information...without even knowing the reason,why i am doing it....
i dont know if m talking lame...
bt i do think this way..
please guide me if i am thinking wrong way
R Azeem Khan

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welcome a neophyte

Post by DNR »

Well so far so good, I think you will be ok.

Two colors make up the color grey (hat). If you are willing to admit to being a mix of black and white, then there is hope that you will find a balance of color.

I am sure many of us have black experiences, but we tend to lean more toward the white hat side. It is professional, some of us are college students and would like to be employed. Real IT doesn't hire black hats, why bother, there are enough good white(grey) hatters out there. They need people with ethics like loyalty, respect, team work, not people that DDoS or deface for a shout-out.

Black hat can be done under controlled conditions, within legal and even moral grounds.

One advice, work on your spelling, if you can't write a simple converstation with minimal errors, how can you write code?
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Post by Azeem »

thanks mate...thanks for your reply..
i`ll surely take care of my speelings in the future posts... :)

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Post by FrankB »

Welcome on the ship, Azeem.

One thing about that grey/white/black hat hacking :

a white hat hacker can do what a black hat hacker can do, except that the white hacker chose for the mature side and is more useful to soceity.
Trust me, i know a few in real life.

The more high-tech is available to the masses, the more annoyance there is, since script kiddies "write" their troyan themselves these days with just a downloaded framework or kit, so, there are the zombies who do spam, the scriptkiddies who inject annoyance on the Net and the black-hat crackers who become more and more *real* criminals in the sense that they mean a real threat to entire soceities if not an entire nation.

In other words : breaking into a system and messing around with accounts was 'black-hat' yesterday but is 'juvenile' today.
Black-hat cracking is serious crime nowadays.
I am talking about computer-terrorism and amounts of money that the gross 8000 members of don't make in a year, you got the picture.

I recommend you the book "Crime and the Internet" (ISBN on demand) and it is really shocking stuff.
Worst case scenario intelligencies believe the "3rd World War" could be a computer-cracker's war (attempts of famous Israelian ckrackers on US military sattelites are already recorded, the amout of money involved was about $3,000,000,000 ... for one guy.

'nuff said,
sorry, i hat to vent that :-)


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Post by floodhound2 »

Hey everyone,

About me: I went to college for electronics engineering and hold a job as an electronics department manager in Spokane WA. I have been on a PC since the 80’s when I got my Commodore Vic 20 and a tape drive to record my code. [I still have my Plotter.] I graduated number 2 in my class and often got into trouble from the networking admin at my school for poking my binary bits into things on the network that were seemingly SECURE. I have set up small networks and I ran a server in my apartment while in school, however my ISP found out then demanded I shut it down, or shell out the consequences.

I am learning and will for the rest of my life. Technology is dynamic and so I must be. I am mostly a programmer on my off time from work. I know VB, Basic, a little of C, P-basic, and some Assembly. I have built several Custom computers and repaired hundreds in my spare time. I have written malice code and removed it as well. I enjoy helping people with their technology tragedies and have developed a reputation in only a few short years

In truth I enjoy this site and express thanks to all of you for putting it up and keeping it clean. I am fairly new to the site. I always check suck-o before anything else in the morning while I sip fine java.

Now if I can get mIRC to work for suck-o !!!!

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Post by bad_brain »

welcome on board floodhound.... :)
a VC20,huh? I started with an Atari 600XL and then got a, I really could slap myself for selling it back in the days, it even had the SpeedDOS tuning chip for the floppy drive...but well, at least I kept my Amiga 500 (the first PC which was target of viruses, some might remember the "buddha meditating"-one :lol: )...
I'm happy you enjoy the site, have fun! :D

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Post by vidoll »

hey guys im vidoll. just sorta chance upon this site. looks really cool and informative.. keep up the good work Bad_Brain.

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Post by Goose »

Already sorta mentioned myself but thought I do it again anyway my name is Tony, i am a 20 year old law student from Scotland. Know nothing about computers but want to learn. Would like to establish a society or organisiation that can legitimately use hacking to expose paedophiles.

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Post by vidoll »


Well maybe u could work with this guys here?
welcome man :D

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Post by Goose »

Anyone ever see Casino? The ending? I want that to happen to all fucking sex offenders.

Then, we cut off both their heads.

So, you all gotta help me!

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Post by bad_brain »

suck-o is affiliated with ACPO and cyber-crusaders, both organisations against child porn, I'm also a staff member of ACPO and host cyber-crusaders (the site was down for a while and is in development at the moment).
any person interested to help (graphic designers, php-coders, legal issues) please join and contact the site owner money to make, but a good karma.. :wink:

welcome to the site goose and vidoll... :wink:

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Post by shadowclown »

Hey everyone.
Im shadowclown, but you can call me what you like. Im 19 and live/attend school in the US. Im here out of curiosity more than anything else. My skills are very limited: html, learning java, and I have a tendency to take stuff apart (not really a skill) Anyway, suck-o seems like a pretty accepting environment for a nub like me who doen't have much to contribute(yet), so Im here.


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