thread in a scanner

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thread in a scanner

Post by slipparse »

Some scanners and more particulary vulnerability scanners have something like a "threads option".

f.e. MS05039Scan.exe 100

I have been told this thread option says sth about the speed and accuracy of your scan. Is that true?

And which thread value is the most approriate if you want to make a quick scan which is reliable enough?

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Post by bad_brain »

hm, I guess it means how long the scanner connects to do his probe on the port. if the time is too short the scanner is already at the next IP when the host answers and so the probe fails.
the longer the time the more reliable the result, I would say 1 second is enough (should be 1000 then if the time is displayed in milliseconds).... :wink:

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Post by slipparse »

right that explains why I have so few scan results :D

I have always thought that a smaller thread value leads to a more accurate scan. That's why I have been scanning on max 50-100. Apparently it's just the opposite like I thought it was. Will try scanning with a higher value

Thanks for the handy tip :lol:

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