hotmail problem

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hotmail problem

Post by Lazarus »


someone used keylogger on me- msn wont help in anyway- they care more for the cracker than me- appreciate any useful info or comments look forward to a reply


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Post by bad_brain »

Um, I hope this isn´t a "how can I crack my own account"-thing... 8)

Forget the account and get a new one, it´s a good opportunity to get rid of people which you don´t want on your buddy-list any more too... :lol:
The important question is: How was it possible to successfully use a keylogger on you? Points to a big lack of security of your system, mate...
You should check regularly the processes running in the background, opened ports, system startup settings (I recommend at least once a day) and do a full system scan for malware at least once a week.
But now that you found the keylogger I hope you took the opportunity to get the logfile destination IP for a little payback.... :twisted:

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Post by Lazarus »

Unfortunatly not forgetting type my motto Never forgive never forget lol it sucks being me, but I am what I am- Ill find way eventualy I always do its been two years now maybe one half and everyday I search and search. and weirdest thing is he is still opening pedo type rooms and still hacking people with msns full aproval someone please nuke msn headquarters :P

Thanks for reply- yes did full security check afterwards|<notice word afterwards sighs.

8O :?

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Post by Naab007 »

hi i was wondering how to hack hotmail....Just Kidding Peeps i already know it if they havent remade the retrieve password way :) hotmail... ehh blah..hate....cant express my self.... :P im using the sweet 2gb mail account as my hard drive...Gmail... the true shit..dunno if some1 found some exploits for it yet but probably it usually never takes long to find some :wink: but im pretty safe i have 2 extra accounts :D so it doesnt quite matter if some1 hacks one of em :) post ur mail...maybe u get an invite.. maybe u get spammed :lol: :wink:

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Post by bad_brain »

hehe...well, email adresses should not be posted, it´s better to use the PM-function....exept you want to receive tons of "buy fake rolex watches", "increase your sperm-ammount about 500%" (my favorite ones :lol: ) and masses of worm-infected spam....
2 of my adresses are displayed on the startpage, so I know what I´m talking about... :?

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