one of my customers called me 2 weeks ago, he said he knows "a guy which works for google", and this guy can make it possible that his site is displayed on the first google pages for all his meta-tags...and hey, just for 100 euro!
well, so far, so ridiculous...yesterday I wanted to login to ftp my weekly update, and huh?!: login denied! so I checked the site, my site was completely replaced a horrible looking table-massacre! and here´s the fun part: some of my graphics has been used under a new copyright!
well, good old b_b still had the ISP login data of the customer (how cute he forgot to change THIS password too), so I logged in, got the new ftp-pw and erased all of my graphics with the nice term:
due to copyright violation the graphics has been removed by the copyright holder
I may repeat myself, but: what an asshole....