
For beginners, flames not allowed...(just by the staff :P)
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Post by NightCaller »

Hi. I've recently taken an interest in hacking, and I was wondering if I could get some advice about what I should google as a beginner. If not, I'll just guess, but I could use the help. Thanks.

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Post by bad_brain »

Um,well,depends on your interests and what you know already...
You will have to read a lot of stuff, if english is your native language take a look in the textfiles-section in the download-area of this site, you´ll find real nice stuff there (some german files too)... :wink:
IMO there is no specific stuff to google for which will teach you "how to hack", just read some tutorials or ebooks and then you´ll find enough stuff to google for, at leasts that´s the way I started. And if you will get confused about some stuff (..and you will :lol: ) you can always ask here for help... :wink:

Oh, and if reading gets boring you can listen to some nice hacking-mp3s: ... axorradio/

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