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Post by Xonet »

Well i was kinda bored so i did something i wanted to check out for quite a while now, i took the cables from my VGA and read what theyre for, but now i have this "s-video out" cable and from what ive read (ive read it quickly cuz i dont really like manuals and this is just what ive understood from the little part that i did read) i simply plug it in my vga and in my tv, disconnect my monitor, reboot my pc and ill be able to use my tv so i could like watch my movies on my tv, am i right?

Does anyone here have any experience with this?

also the manual said that if i dont have an s-vid plug on my tv i need some sort of converter, ive got a scart thing on my tv for my DVD player so i think the right thing i need is this : http://www.perfect-systems.nl/info.asp?Info=42041

am i right?

thanks for the help
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Post by bad_brain »

yes,you´re right! but maybe your DVD player has a s-video input which would allow you to loop the signal through it, you wouldn´t need an extra converter then.
I have my PC connected to the TV too, the only problem I have is that my graphics card only allows one resolution for all outputs, so when I connect it to the TV the resolution of the computer monitor is the same one as for the TV, which makes working while watching a movie on TV impossible... :?
but maybe it´s just because of my graphics card which is a pretty cheap one... :wink:

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Post by Xonet »

thanks, ill buy the converter soon
my dvd only has an s-vid output, i allready checked that, and i wasnt really planning on working that way, its simply to watch my movies,since my tv is a lot bigger then my monitor i wouldnt have to sit on my chair anymore but simply lay down on my sofa (oh im so lazy 8) )
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