I've just upgraded from using angelfire.com to having a sub-domain with my cable company. I was/am really glad to get rid of those pesky Ads, but now I want an actual name.
Ya know?..so that people don't have to remember my site by "myweb.cebridge.net then a slash then Necrix"...but instead a simple n-wolf.com, cruxcrusader.com, necrix.com, etc.
I'd be happy to get that www.n-wolf.com domain name , only, I couldn't afford it. Does anyone know of a free domain name host(full, not sub-domain) that is free with very little or no strings attached...or at least an extremely cheap one?
Now, I'm not sure if I'd be able to use this domain name with my ISP..I'll have to email them about that and hope they know what they're on the job for(I've spoken to some On-Call computer techs before who had absolutely no idea what they were doing or talking about). I just, would REALLY like to have a simple, easy-to-remember, and extremly cheap domain name without people ahving to type theserver and all the other stuff.
Sorry for the length,
Thanx in advance for your reply.
Domain Names
- bad_brain
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Hm,first the bad news: www.n-wolf.com is not available any more (ok,it leads to some strange search site for stuffed animals without displaying the domain name, so actually you could sue the keeper of the domain because he isn´t really using the domain name/blocking it).
But now the good news: Just look around a bit for hosting services, getting a domain with some webspace isn´t expensive at all! You can already get 100mb (enough for the beginning) for 99cent/month INCLUDING the domain name, even PHP-support is mostly given on such cheap offers. And you can get it where you want,it don´t depend on your ISP,just check some computer magazines or google for "web hosting",you´ll find plenty of such offers (some are completely free, but then you´ll have to deal with less webspace, at http://www.biz.ly/ you can get 12mb for free for example).
Here you can check if domain names are available amongst other useful stuff:

But now the good news: Just look around a bit for hosting services, getting a domain with some webspace isn´t expensive at all! You can already get 100mb (enough for the beginning) for 99cent/month INCLUDING the domain name, even PHP-support is mostly given on such cheap offers. And you can get it where you want,it don´t depend on your ISP,just check some computer magazines or google for "web hosting",you´ll find plenty of such offers (some are completely free, but then you´ll have to deal with less webspace, at http://www.biz.ly/ you can get 12mb for free for example).
Here you can check if domain names are available amongst other useful stuff:

Alright, $.99/month is good..but now about the domain anme. Do you suppose there is a way I could get that name and avoid a lawsuit at the same time? Also, I didn't know it's illegal to waste a name like that O__o. I'll check into waht I can, but any extra help is appreciated.
- bad_brain
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Hm,I just can tell how it´s handled in germany: When you rent a domain name you have to use it within a period of 6 months. If the domain name is still unused after this period it can be taken away from you (well,it don´t happen automatically). The reason why it is handled that way is rooted in the early days of the internet where some people reserved huge amounts of domain names and then reselled them to the people (companies in most cases). But then some big companies don´t wanted to pay millions(!) for the domains any more and went to court where the judges decided that it´s forbidden to reserve domain names. Even when you would get a domain name like "coca-cola.com" nowadays you wouldn´t have the chance to keep it,because when it comes to a lawsuit you would have to proof why YOU need the name. "Because I drink much of this sugar drink" would be a not so good reason like "because our company is named coca cola",you see?
But back to "your" domain name...well,like I said at the beginning,I don´t know how it´s handled outside of germany, but you could check who the owner of the domain is(by creating a domain dossier on centralops for example) and get in contact with this person. If he don´t want to give away the domain name you could thread him a bit by telling that it´s forbidden to reserve domains without actually using them...
But I don´t think it´s worth to start a lawsuit, there are millions of nice domain names still available...

But back to "your" domain name...well,like I said at the beginning,I don´t know how it´s handled outside of germany, but you could check who the owner of the domain is(by creating a domain dossier on centralops for example) and get in contact with this person. If he don´t want to give away the domain name you could thread him a bit by telling that it´s forbidden to reserve domains without actually using them...

But I don´t think it´s worth to start a lawsuit, there are millions of nice domain names still available...

I COULD look into the legality of it all and do a few hours of research and the such...ORRR...I could go n00bish and use the infamous l337. lol
turns to
haha...It'd be alot easier, but I'm still going to at least ask them about it.
p.s. I'm so leet cuz I can notice that zero's and one's look alike

p.p.s. The idea only just came to me AFTER you posted that..but a useful post it is still.
turns to

p.s. I'm so leet cuz I can notice that zero's and one's look alike

p.p.s. The idea only just came to me AFTER you posted that..but a useful post it is still.
- bad_brain
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Hehe...well,now I act like if I were the owner of the n-wolf domain name..:
"Hey...there´s some dude which now use n-w0lf as his domain name! Cool,that´s a good opportunity to make money...now I will sue him because he´s using a similar looking name as mine and confuses my customers in doing so!"
Well,ok in this case he has no customers because there is no site,but it would be simple to quickly set up a crappy webshop so he can sue you...
Ok,it´s all theoretical, but hey, this is the internet....many assholes outta there willing to do anything to make some money....

"Hey...there´s some dude which now use n-w0lf as his domain name! Cool,that´s a good opportunity to make money...now I will sue him because he´s using a similar looking name as mine and confuses my customers in doing so!"
Well,ok in this case he has no customers because there is no site,but it would be simple to quickly set up a crappy webshop so he can sue you...
Ok,it´s all theoretical, but hey, this is the internet....many assholes outta there willing to do anything to make some money....

.tk domains are free, and you can get a .com for $9 a year, why not.. its so cheap. www.godaddy.com
.tk's have popups with them so just buy one, it wont kill ya
.tk's have popups with them so just buy one, it wont kill ya
I'm looking into turning one of my computers into a server and host my own site(whereas the amount of space ont eh site is only limited to the size of my harddrive).
As for the domain name, well, I don't have my site fully built yet so I'm not making any definite plans. I'm not even workign on my main site yet, I'm working on a different one for a while, so that project is on hold.
As for the domain name, well, I don't have my site fully built yet so I'm not making any definite plans. I'm not even workign on my main site yet, I'm working on a different one for a while, so that project is on hold.