Hardware/software hookup?

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Hardware/software hookup?

Post by phil823 »

im new here and have recently decided i would like to learn how to hack and such.
I have gotten a Laptop, and a wireless card but should i use Linux or windows, or possibley something else?

If Something else what/how much is it?

thx for ure help!

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Post by bad_brain »

um well, best is Linux AND windows. and "hacking" is most about networking, so a 2nd computer is almost inevitable, not only for learning about networking, also because it´s good to use one machine for everyday use and the 2nd for experiments. it´s normal that you´ll shoot your system from time to time (especially when you´re beginning) and it´s annoying if have to setup your main box again and again, so you would save much time because the box for experiments would only need the basic install anyway and you can keep working with your main box.
but if you only want to do a little wardriving with your lappy XP is fine...
:lol: :wink:

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Post by phil823 »

lol ok :)...i have 2 pc's a laptop, and a Custom i desktop i just made
so i will stick with XP for the monent :)

something else, i went to a pawn shop and bought a wireless card for 30$ its a cisco's, it didnt come with a drivers disk thought, could i get one from Cisco site, also, (i dont trust pawn shops) if this card is stolen or anything can it send info the the "original" owner that i have it?

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Post by bad_brain »

ok,cool... but one Linux box would be good.. :wink:

um, I never needed a Cisco driver, but most likely it´s no problem to dl drivers from a manufacturer´s site, normally you don´t even have to register for it.
well, THEORETICALLY it´s possible to identify a network card by it´s unique hardware adress (but I know a guy who bought about 100 cards for a customers company network and there were 2 cards with the same hw-adress, so much about "unique"), but in reality it may only be important if you hack the CIA or something like that... :lol: don´t worry, you can use it without any danger... :wink:

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Post by phil823 »

hehe ok :)

whats the best linux to get? i dont know much about it but i know where are different types... like red hat and such

no im not planning on hacking the CIA lol =) i aint that stupid!

also i hear that for hacking of basically any type requires programing skill....if so...what do you think is an ez language to learn that is most helpful?

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Post by Stavros »

Well, there really is no "best", but a good one for starters would be a Knoppix Live CD. There are other good ones, I just don't remember.

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Post by bad_brain »

well, I´m still into RedHat9, but it´s already a little outdated, so try Fedora, Mandrake or SuSe. http://www.linuxiso.org :wink:

well, there isn´t anything like a language which is "best for hacking", read the How-to for beginners-thread on this board and you´ll know what I mean... :wink:

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