Teach Me... plz

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Teach Me... plz

Post by Yoda »

As you can tell i am new here but i have always had an interest in hacking and was just wondering if anyone can help me, and where to start. 8O

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Post by Talon »

ok I will tell you several sites and what to do on each of them.

www.suck-o.com (for the downloads)
www.How2hack.net (for the forums and the tutorials)
www.astalavista.com (when this comes back up it is a great source for just about anything)
www.hackthissite.org (this is good to test you skills of hacking by competing the missions, also the forums own.)
www.packetstormsecurity.org (get up to date exploits)

If you have followed this. then it should lead you down the road of successful hacking.[/url]

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Post by bad_brain »

suck-o.com just for downloads? teh... 8)
Um, let me guess, Talon: Member of how2hack? If you want to affiliate contact me, no need to advertise on my boards...:wink:

Well, imo even the best links are worthless without the proper background-knowledge. Coding skills are inevitable, many people think they´re oh-so-leet because they can click a button on a lame proggie which function they don´t even understand. You can´t sit down and "learn how to hack" without a deeper understanding, HTML is no "hacking language" at all for example, but you have to know it to understand how a website works, same with tcp/ip, etc., etc.....
One advise I can give you is to setup a home network and experiment to get experience, that keeps you away from trouble and from beeing labeled as a lamer. So don´t focus on malicious activities, try to get knowledge of how things work, you´ll learn much more out of it...

<!-- definition of a lamer: a moron who "attacks" a site without a cause but is just good for a laugh because of a total lack of skills. a little message to 80.97.248.xx: reports to both ISPs have been sent, get a playstation! :lol: -->

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Post by Yoda »

At the mo i have a basic knowledge of TCP/IP and html, so what would you suggest as the next step and what would be the ideal language to learn? C++?

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Post by bad_brain »

Nah, Java! (says the Java coder :lol: )
C++ is also a good idea, both are OOP languages and pretty similar , but C++ can be a little more tricky sometimes imo because there is still no real standard defined for this language, Java is a little more "up to date" too imo.
Java knowledge will also make it real easy to learn JavaScript, so you expand your skills about creating websites at the same time.
But it mainly depends on your interests, if you´re more interested in web development PHP would be a good choice too... :wink:

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java 2 SDK

Post by Yoda »

So you got any idea where i can get hold of the java 2 SDK from?

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Post by bad_brain »

You get the sdk there too...
There is a 1.5.0-version available too somewhere, but forget it, very buggy...

Oh, and don´t forget to set the system´s PATH-variable to the Java bin-folder, many beginners forget it and wonder why they can´t use the sdk... :wink: It´s a little annoying at the beginning because you have to set it back to the system32-folder if you want to use applications like ping, but you´ll get used to it.

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Location: #db_error in: select usr.location from sucko_member where usr.id=63;

Post by Nerdz »

You should make a sticky post for the teaching stuff.... or you'll never end..

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Post by bad_brain »

Right.... :lol:
Placed it in the newbies-board....

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Post by Yoda »

Decided to buy java for dummies to get me started so i should be able to program java in about a month. Thnx for all your help.

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Post by bad_brain »

Np...if you have questions about Java coding or get stuck just ask....;)

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