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Post by bad_brain »

right. the fact that we are all interested in the same stuff and talk with each other, no matter where the other comes from, already shows that these boundaries in the heads of many people do not affect us.
but hey, what politicians do affect our everyday lifes, so it´s just natural to talk about it. and many people don´t know about what´s going on in other countries, and like you´ve mentioned: the media is full of manipulation. so the best way to get REAL information is to talk to people who live in this country. you can´t act global when you don´t know what´s going on locally.... :wink:

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Post by CommonStray »

and as Nicolas Cage says in Lord of War

"your not a true internationalist until youve sold guns to kill your own countrymen"

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Post by Stavros »

In response to dfr3ak's response about pirated software:

The reason third-world or near-third-world countries don't try to stop is is because it brings in revenue. Who want's to stop the influx of money?

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Post by bad_brain »

rights Stavros, but it´s their only way to get some money at all.
those countries are poor not because they are too lazy or stupid to get rich, it´s because of the rich countries. all our NAFTA and WTO-crap keeps them poor! some may not know how it works, here´s a little explanation:
all the goverments of rich countries pay subsidies to the agricultural (and other) industries so they can sell their products VERY cheap on the world market, the more they sell the more the government gets back in form of taxes, etc.
poor countries simply can´t afford this, and so their products don´t sell on the world market and they stay poor <- see the irony?

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Post by CommonStray »

its the governments job/interest to protect - influence - and control its people, wether by advantage/disadvantage or the stripping of rights - wheras in a true place of liberty and justice a democracy such as the US claims to uphold it would be the total opposite...

on foriegn policy in the US, we should have drawn an accord such as would be as or very near to similiar as our very own Constitution...We the people, deal with They the people.

im from the states, do i agree with everything we do, no i dont, do i agree with some things, sure i do, but do i believe that in this point in the history of my country that we should be more concerned with the events going on domestically, absolutely...if oil is such a big issue, we should develop something better...ethanol is created from Corn, but its more expensive and implementation into the network of fuel stations is certainly overwhelming, but GM a US based car manufacturer makes vehicles that canhandle both variances of fuel...fuel cells same thing but implementation into the station network is huge and would cost millions...

in my opinion, its never been about oil...its never about tabacco, its never about pharma. non of it is about anything but one true thing that everyone knows, everyone wants, and most people cant get enough of....


not ribbed....but it glows in the dark :lol:

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