Scanning over a router?

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Scanning over a router?

Post by Nerdz »

OK... so I know my friend has a router. I even know the model name and manufacturer. We want to know how to see open port over a router... I've read a bit about firewalk and port redirection but it's not really easy to understand...

I'm currently using nmap and I tried a lot of scan option but I'm always only able to see port 113 auth state closed. Is there anything I can do...

I tried to find stuff about the Di-604 from d-link but nothing..
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Post by CommonStray »

well really it depends, see if you scan his Ip and he is behind a router the your also scan his router, in most cases you wont find many, but if hes running a LAn its most likely it uses NAT (network address translation) which hides external IP's (regular IP's) and replaces them with internal ones (192.68.XXX.XXX - private network address's) and gives the network a kind of firewalled advantage, using nmap should also give you the manufacturer of the router when you do an OS check (if i remember correctly) but check out Netcat for some reason i think this may help you

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Post by bad_brain »

right Circuit.
you can try MAC flooding the router, the cheaper ones often have a very limited buffer and when it´s full they turn into a hub which would enable you to scan the network behind the router. I wasn´t able to find an explicit exploit for this model (just found some for the 614/624-model)... :?
oh,checked if he changed the default username/password for the router? 8)

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Post by Nerdz »

What happen if he didn't.... I can remotly access to his router? This could be usefull bcz I have a lot of friends not being able to configure properly their router.. so I could be able to log on?
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Post by bad_brain »

well, it depends on the router model, the remote management option needs to be enabled (many routers have it per default).
in this case the router provides a web interface which you can access through the browser by simply entering the IP and the port, for example (8080 is the default port for D-Link routers).
of course the port can be changed, so you can try on every open port you find.... :wink:

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Post by Lyecdevf »

Since you guys were in the middle of a discussion about trying to log on a computer that is behind a router I have a question for you. I have a computer behind the router. I happen to share my internet conection with some other folk and I was wondering how difficult would it be for some one to hack into my computer from the out side.

I happened to be talking to some one on MSN when he said that he netstat scaned me and that he could hack into my computer. He did not know that I was behind a router. So could he have done any thing by having my IP adress?

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Post by bad_brain »

he said that he netstat scaned me and that he could hack into my computer
if you ever meet him again copy&paste this to him:

Code: Select all

regards from bad_brain, you´re a bullshitter!

all he had was the IP of your router, without further information gathering it´s worth almost nothing, and even then I doubt that a person which talks such a crap would be able to intrude your system, so don´t worry... :wink:

do you have a static IP or a dynamic one (by your ISP)?

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Post by Lyecdevf »

Thanks! I deleated him because he just was not a person that I wanted to talk to any way.

I have a static IP adress.

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Post by windoslamer »

try this
your friend router is configured to let the access might be http access
resircted only to lan so no one from out side can open connection to it
if you tried to ping it and it replied , try to D-o-S (pingofdeath) and if it is
cheap router it will restart to default settings so you might be able to connect to http then try some default passwords try admin,admin ..... or google
for the manufacture default passwords .
hopes that helps :wink:

(sorry for my enlgish if there is any mistakes)

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