Determine what my isp is seeing

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Determine what my isp is seeing

Post by maboroshi »

Regardless of my reasons for this

How can I determine which information my ISP is seeing when I access the internet. What is the standards that most ISPs use, eg are they viewing just IP addresses or are they getting headers also from the web sites are they getting port numbers do they see how many connections to the ip from my ip. If I was to emulate there servers would it be possible to write code to evaluate what there seeing

Or is it a total different standard

Any ideas



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Post by bad_brain »

hm, a good way would be to run a sniffer like ethereal while you´re connecting to the net. but bring some time to analyze the captured traffic, because it´ll be more than one might think. but of course you can post the packet info which you find hard to decipher and we can analyze it know I love my TCP/IP 8) would be a good opportunity too for others to take a look into the networking essentials I think... :wink:

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ISP monitoring

Post by DNR »

I agree with running a packet sniffer. Anyone get's IRIS? Any packetsniffer will show you what your computer is sending and receiving. Thats why you want to consider encryption software to send and receive messages, the ISP would see the encrypted transmission but not crack it to read the content. Unless of course NSA sniffs it and takes the time to crack your code lol. A basic tut on packetsniffing here:


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