Shoulda started here first,eh?

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Post by Stavros »

I'm kind of a "late bloomer" too (although 9 years earler; I'm 18). I don't believe there is any age to being "too late to learn about computers." You just have to have a liking for computers and a lot of time (which I have). Hooray for being in High School.

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Post by xtheblack9x »

YES RPG's are awesome. what would you say your top 5 are? Nice to see more people checking out linux. Lot of fun ha ha ha and fustrashion i have to say.

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Post by bad_brain »

welcome on the site LaBlueGirl...:wink:
seems Linux is your main OS, nice! :) and Stavros is right, the age don´t matter in computer stuff, I´m 36, I´ve been working with computers since I was about 13, but then I had a pause of 10 years and began again about 3 years ago. and to switch from an Amiga 500 to a PC is like starting all new.. :lol:
I´m not much of a gamer (lack of time), but my favorite genre is spacship action like in Freelancer, right now I´m unpatiently waiting for the release of Darkstar One... :D

hehe, black9, Linux can be frustrating at the beginning, but it´s absolutely worth it, Windows to Linux is like Playstation to PC...serious computing isn´t really possible with Windows imo and Linux also forces you a little to learn about the essentials like networking... :wink:

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Post by Stavros »

Speaking of games and Linux, has Call of Duty 2 been successfully ported to Linux?

I have a weird sleep patern. Lately, I've been going to bed about one in the morning and waking up about 6:15 and I feel reasonable. Last night I went to bed earlier (right after 11:30) and I felt like crap when I woke up. I don't know what's up with that.

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Post by xtheblack9x »

LaBlueGirl wrote:
xtheblack9x wrote:YES RPG's are awesome. what would you say your top 5 are? Nice to see more people checking out linux. Lot of fun ha ha ha and fustrashion i have to say.
Sheesh, top 5 huh? That's tough... Let's see:

the NWN series (HoU and SoU included)
Badlur's Gate
Icewind Dale
Legends of Aranna (comme-ci comme-ca)
FF series:) (yea!)
yeeaaarrrrsss ago, in the dark ages of my youth, I played White Wolf, and a tabletop D&D game (I forget the name right now)

Et toi? (and you?) What are your faves?
LaBlue "RPG grrl" Girl
I don't play as menny RPG's anymore as I used to so most of my favorites are on snes.

1. Secret of Mana for (snes)
2. FF series 9 was my favorate then i would say X ha ha ha i actoully cried (I still can't believe i cryed over a video game)
3. chrono trigger (snes)
4. grandia 2 (ps2, and i think dreamcast) because of the battle system
5. xenosaga (ps2) not because the game was all that great but man half that game your watching stuff and not playing its like when you cross a movie and a RPG

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Post by xtheblack9x »

Stavros wrote:Speaking of games and Linux, has Call of Duty 2 been successfully ported to Linux?

I have a weird sleep patern. Lately, I've been going to bed about one in the morning and waking up about 6:15 and I feel reasonable. Last night I went to bed earlier (right after 11:30) and I felt like crap when I woke up. I don't know what's up with that.
ya when i don't have work straighting me out my sleeping habbits are allllllll over the map. I must say though i would rather stay up at night and sleep in the day, i like it alot better.

as for Call Of Duty 2 im not sure i know Cedega only supports the first Call of Duty for right now. Im not sure about wine and other programs. I know it sucks but if not now im sure support for COD 2 will come over time.

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