Online Firewall and Online Virus Scan.

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Online Firewall and Online Virus Scan.

Post by Stavros »

Well, my dad threw an idea at me last night. The whole problem of the freeze ups may be due to a virus. I did connect to the internet to download the drivers. I want to install a firewall as a saftey pre-caution against a virus. Also, I'd like to know of a good online virus scanner.

My dad suggested this because our Dell got a virus once and we couldn't open the virus software. The way dad solved it was to run an online virus scanner. My symptoms are similar to those. Virus scanner will run for a little then freeze.

Any ideas?

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Post by bad_brain »

hm, I experienced such behaviour too a couple of times, while scanning a file the scanner freezed, but the file wasn´t infected (it was the Eclipse platform in my case). but well, an online scan is a good idea if you havn´t the opportunity to plug the HDD as slave to a clean system and scan it from there.
Symantec provides a good online scanner, check here

a good and free firewall is the Tiny Personal Firewall, it´s really lightweight and no ressourcehog, nothing for beginners, but shouldn´t be a problem for you: Get it here


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Post by Stavros »

Well, I tried Symantec...twice. Wouldn't download ActiveX. It jsut sat there not downloading ActiveX controls, go figure. I also tried with Kaspersky Online AVS and it froze up...twice. I just got a double whammy.
Last edited by Stavros on 24 Feb 2006, 17:34, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Gogeta70 »

Find your windows installer disk, install it onto another hard drive, then do an online scan of your regular hard drive. I've had to do that twice.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by FrankB »

gogeta70 wrote:Find your windows installer disk, install it onto another hard drive, then do an online scan of your regular hard drive. I've had to do that twice.
Yes, as far as i can go before saying stooopid things,
an online patch (what LaBlue said) or inserting the native Windows CD and type C:>sfk/scannow! [options] helped me a lot.

I am always someone elese's n00b

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