Corel Linux OS??....OLD?

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Corel Linux OS??....OLD?

Post by PLeXroD »

hey guys i know ive been away for a time,, but now im back again.... got me self i new pc and im goin pretty strong in this topic has nothin to do with windows it's about corel linux os...
i dont know how old it is but i bet its pretty old... i cant find out how to make programming in corel cause it couldn't find out to place the right .dll files to my graphic card.... and then i talked to a couple of my friends/nerdz and they say that i have to program the linux to understand that ive got pci graphic card... but i really dont know how to program in linux... and im so much beginner in it so it has to be easy reading in tour tourials....
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Post by bad_brain »

hm, Corel Linux seems to be pretty buggy in context with graphics cards, the guy who wrote this text had the same problem, maybe it´ll help: ... linux.html

p.s. I recommend to switch to a more stable distro...

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