Symantec records the date you install their product somewhere on your computer. If you uninstall the software, then reinstall it at a later date it still uses the first date installed.
I have reformatted the hard drive and the reinstalled a symantec product to find the begin date changed to the date of the second installation.
Where in the registry or other location does symantec write that data.
Well, that's the thing. You're not supposed to know. But if you do want to know, find a file comparison program, and dump the registry to a txt file or a .reg file before installing symantec (that means you'll need to reformat again), then dump the registry AFTER installing it, and then compare it using the program, and find all the differences. I believe MS-DOS has a file comparison function, but i don't use it, so i don't know much about it.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...
time trial craxor
Other options:
1. Search the internet for tutorials and crax for time trial version software.
Someone else already did the work of putting together a how-to manual and maybe even made a windows based GUI that will crack the proggie and make it a full version.Simple, and maybe not so leet-o. Its still the fastest way.
2. Learn to read and edit code. Use hex editors, disassemblers to break the program line that ask for 'getlocaltime'. Again, search the net for a tutorial..May take some time to hack the code, but you earn leet! bonus.
Tips for the n00b:
1. You may have to get earlier version of the software or even another company's as their code maybe easier to crax. Crackz sites usually post crax for earlier versions as no one has posted code to crack the new version of software (versions change so they can stay ahead of the crackers!)
2. Beware malware. and porn. Crax sites can contain trojans and virii. They are also loaded with pr0n p0p ups. Spyware catchers, virii scans and low moral standards will be the rule of the day..
3. Foreign countries have poor enforcement of piracy laws, so you are likely to find your crax on a foreign site (note to those in germany, USA is not considered one of those foreign countries).
Learn to expand your language, find a language translator site, or look for the obvious, the file names are usually still in english.
1. Search the internet for tutorials and crax for time trial version software.
Someone else already did the work of putting together a how-to manual and maybe even made a windows based GUI that will crack the proggie and make it a full version.Simple, and maybe not so leet-o. Its still the fastest way.
2. Learn to read and edit code. Use hex editors, disassemblers to break the program line that ask for 'getlocaltime'. Again, search the net for a tutorial..May take some time to hack the code, but you earn leet! bonus.
Tips for the n00b:
1. You may have to get earlier version of the software or even another company's as their code maybe easier to crax. Crackz sites usually post crax for earlier versions as no one has posted code to crack the new version of software (versions change so they can stay ahead of the crackers!)
2. Beware malware. and porn. Crax sites can contain trojans and virii. They are also loaded with pr0n p0p ups. Spyware catchers, virii scans and low moral standards will be the rule of the day..
3. Foreign countries have poor enforcement of piracy laws, so you are likely to find your crax on a foreign site (note to those in germany, USA is not considered one of those foreign countries).
Learn to expand your language, find a language translator site, or look for the obvious, the file names are usually still in english.