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Post by Nerdz »

Come on... a topic with the name of someone... I wonder what are the private's message for...
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Post by Gogeta70 »

I'm very fertile, thank you... >.> Plus i don't smoke. Cigarettes, at least. ;)
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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Post by bad_brain »

relax ladies and gentlemen, and handle the staff members with respect..:wink:

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Post by Nerdz »

LaBlueGirl wrote:
Because it is about as private as half the other posts on this particular forum.
Because I suppose you really don't have anything better to do with your time.
Because maybe you are feeling left out, eh?
What offenced you? Just telling you tu use more specific topic...
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Post by bad_brain »

uh-oh, that´s a bad situation, I hope you´ll find a way to get out of it...:(
when you can proof that your papers have been sent within the time limit there must be a possibility, I had some trouble with the authorities too here, and I only got my right because I charged a lawyer. when you appear as a single private person those lazy suckers in the offices usually tell you every type of bullshit just to get rid of you fast because they know that you´re not familiar with your rights anyway. so I really suggest to contact a lawyer, at least to get information about your rights.

it´s understandable that your mood is not too good because of that shit, but hey, the staff members are here to help the people visiting this site and they do it for free, so it´s just fair to give them a little respect. his post wasn´t really offensive in my opinion, and if somebody would treat me that way I would really think about banning the person for disrespecting me. nerdz have the right to ban users too, and that he havn´t done it shows that this was just a misunderstanding and not a personal offense against you.
so shake hands and forget it,ok?... :wink:

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