Help me with this exploit plz !!

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Help me with this exploit plz !!

Post by eppik »

i downloaded this PHP-Nuke exploit but now i want to use it what i do

post edited by b_b

i think its perl

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Post by maboroshi »

Please use Code tags when posting code

I believe the code you have is C++ so what you can do is download a C++ compiler such as Dev C++

I would suggest getting a book on C++ and learning a bit more about coding then take another look at the code and try and understand it

Then if you have any questions we will be more willing to help (Hacking isn't about Clicking a button and magically it works, its about learning and understanding how it works imo)

Cheers and Good luck


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Post by bad_brain »

but make sure to use the proper options when compiling, else it will not work, the options are LOCATE+ACCESS+MAKE+END, so the way to compile it is:
compile -l -a -m -e filename

have fun! :lol:

now serious:
man, it sucks to vandalize stuff others built, so we surely will not help you with it, and be happy, because I don´t think you have the knowledge to intrude a server without beeing caught, so we help you to stay away from trouble.....try to see it like this.
if you want to learn something useful and be creative: welcome!
but if you want to be "malicious": not here.


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ethics define the haxor

Post by DNR »

Glad to see the members make a stand for proper ethics.

I recommend the look, but don't touch rule.

If you are going to touch, make sure you have authority to do so.
Hacking crimes/defacement only made the internet government controlled, apparently we (users) lack common sense to manage the internet on our own.


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Post by Gogeta70 »

Shoot, i remember bein' exactly like you were... about 4 years ago though. I used to just grab the code and paste it in notepad and save it as .exe... lol. Yeah, we're all (eh, 99% i guess i should say) script kiddies at one point, So honestly, go ahead and try the exploit, but install phpnuke on your computer or something like that, so you won't break any laws. Also, i do suggest you learn a couple programming languages, starting with BASIC, or HTML...

That's my 2 cents.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It works on my machine...

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coding language C/C++

Post by DNR »

After HTML, you'll want to get in to C/C++ quick. Take a class on it or get the software to practise with it. Its popular enough, useful enough, and once you understand how to code C you'll have a better understanding of other codes.

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Post by bad_brain »

you´re right gogeta, everbody started as a skiddie, but when you´re honest you have to say too that it was a waste of time to play around with premade exploits, trojans, booters and stuff like that.... :wink:
nobody can say this site is unfriendly against beginners, but of course I can´t promote explicitly illegal actions at the same time. one of the intentions of this site is to get newbies away from beeing a skiddie and to show ways how to be constructive (which is much more fun, and you even learn all those "evil" stuff as a side effect too)...

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Post by CommonStray »

well we all still get our "evil" sides to come out, but mostly in the face of other "evil-doers" who inexplicably trouble us or our peers :wink:

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