Well searching for a way to change my mac on Linux
I learned
ifconfig down
ifconfig eth0 hw ether 010101010101
ifconfig up
However I recieved the error SIOCSIFHWADDR: Device or Resource Busy
I read elsewhere and other people are having this issue seems I need to add "ifconfig $iface down" to the stop clause of /etc/init.d/net
But to my avail no net file so I open inet.d and theres a bunch of protocols but not what Im looking for
So any ideas on what needs to be changed Im using Mandriva 2006 Ive got a wireless network card that Im not using on eth1 and my main network card on eth0
And ty
Change Mac on Linux
Just learned
Just learned
/etc/init.d/networking stop
ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:01:02:03:04:08
/etc/init.d/networking start
but that doesn't work either so I guess I have to open up inet.d again and see what the terminology is in Mandriva
I learned that at wikipedia but it also says not to do it if using a dsl modem hmm maybe theres a reason for that anyone know why
will keep trying
Cheers its late now lol
/etc/init.d/networking stop
ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:01:02:03:04:08
/etc/init.d/networking start
but that doesn't work either so I guess I have to open up inet.d again and see what the terminology is in Mandriva
I learned that at wikipedia but it also says not to do it if using a dsl modem hmm maybe theres a reason for that anyone know why
will keep trying
Cheers its late now lol
Under Fedora and prolly RedHat you have
most *nix boxes will accept
Code: Select all
[root@scotch ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
# VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II]
Code: Select all
ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 netmask hw ether 00:01:02:03:04:08 up